Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Pre-release)

That panel was such a waste. They spent an hour on almost nothing except to spout superlatives left and right, introduce the new character and show the trailer.
At least I did not spend time and money (and wristbands?) to be there.

To quote Nicholas Meyer after he showcased a little sneak peak at Star Trek VI to a convention.

"We didn't show you much. We don't want to show you much."

This was plenty enough.
Dust would've been preferable honestly. I was not happy when LFL was sold because I was afraid Disney would do exactly what they are doing. They'll just keep milking it until its truly dead. Then the reboots will come.

I admit, I wasn't thrilled about the sale....nervous and skeptical at best, pissed and disgusted at worst. But...while I recognize that TFA was extremely derivative, it didn't distract me from the new blood infused into Star Wars. I was hooked and liked it a lot. Rogue One....I LOVE that movie! Best Star Wars movie since ESB in my opinion. It was a fans movie....which infuriated some (of all people) fans.

I guess at the end of the day, I'm along for the ride with the new direction they're headed and enjoying it. I'm way too old to gripe like I did about the PT. And to have new a new Star Wars movie every year for the forseeable future, it's like a dream come true. While I probably won't love them all, I'll enjoy them enough and hopefully won't dislike/hate any of them.

With that all said I will say that the Han Solo movie has me nervous, so what do I know :lol

So already those red dust ships bug me. Basically, they thought the coloured dust fireworks of fury road was cool and they need their own version

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I am underwhelmed and worried. Is that the Rebels Bogan creature we see? The Logo does bother me because i feel it is so damn out of place, I cant tell why. the trailer has me really worried that FUN is leaving the franchise and that it is just bitterness that comes off the screen. See you in a few months then ;)
I'm intriqued, and somewhat excited. Looks like we will have star wars (actual battles in space again!). A Wings!, Talk about balance, and becoming more than
light/dark, maybe Luke is suggesting Rey becoming a better, stronger force user that utilizes both sides of the force?

Not a bad teaser. Lol, at the jump music. They sure like using that, don't they?!
Meet the planet Crait.....

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I am underwhelmed and worried. Is that the Rebels Bogan creature we see? The Logo does bother me because i feel it is so damn out of place, I cant tell why. the trailer has me really worried that FUN is leaving the franchise and that it is just bitterness that comes off the screen. See you in a few months then ;)

That is not the Bogan. I think it's inside the Force Tree set we saw pictures of.
Check this out, the burning of Luke's Academy from the TFA flashback and in an alternate view from the new teaser!


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The Trailer LOOKS OK, but then again, so did the one for the last movie...and as far as i'm concerned, look how that turned out.

I will withold judgment until i see it.

daisy ridley is absolutely adorable. I liked finn on screen, the new wedge wasn't bad.

We'll just have to see.

My guess on what luke means

He knows history repeats itself with darths and destruction, so it's time to end the cycle.
I love the trailer.
But after the Spider-Man trailer, GotG trailers, release of R1 on Blu-Ray and the Thor Ragnarok trailer I think I'm starting to get a little bit of franchise fatigue. Especially after rewatching R1 a couple of times I feel like I should be more thrilled than I am about this trailer. I like it a lot but I feel like I should be more thrilled.
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