Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

In all honesty, I think I would have preferred that GL made the outline, oversaw the production, and passed the writing/direction off to other people.

But I'm very skeptical about abrams
on the one hand, we have lucas, creator of all that is sacred writing these new movies (at least the first), but its also lucas who wrote the prequels.
then on the other hand, we have JJ.....................who knows how this is gonna turn out. couldnt stand the direction jjtrek has taken, so i await this trainwreck.

the development of this movie is like my lower intestine....................stinky and full of danger.......
on the one hand, we have lucas, creator of all that is sacred writing these new movies (at least the first), but its also lucas who wrote the prequels.
then on the other hand, we have JJ.....................who knows how this is gonna turn out. couldnt stand the direction jjtrek has taken, so i await this trainwreck.

the development of this movie is like my lower intestine....................stinky and full of danger.......

JJTrek did exactly what it set out to do,reinvent Trek for a modern audience and create an alternate timeline. JJ did a fantastic job at doing so. EPVII is a continuation of the OT stories and JJ is trying to do what everyone wants,capture the feel of the OT and not the PT. Two very different animals and comparing the two is irrelevant. If however JJ was told to continue the Star Trek story and make sequels or other stories set in the OS Trek timeline and then made the two JJTrek movies he made,then he could be seen as a failure. In my eyes he succeeded at the job he was tasked. I love OS Trek and love JJTrek for what it's meant to be. :)

Custom figure:

Without inertial dampeners the star wars saga would have ended the first time Han entered hyperspace.
Nope. That's pseudomotion, like a ship going to warp speed in Star Trek -- a non-Newtonian optical effect of the ship's FTL drive tunnelling them into a sub/hyperspatial realm which allows them to travel apparently faster than the speed of light in realspace. No a=f·m involved.

Nope. That's pseudomotion, like a ship going to warp speed in Star Trek -- a non-Newtonian optical effect of the ship's FTL drive tunnelling them into a sub/hyperspatial realm which allows them to travel apparently faster than the speed of light in realspace. No a=f·m involved.


So why did R2 fall onto Chewie at the end of ESB then?
When they disabled the hyperdrive they also killed the acceleration compensators. R2 restored the hyperdrive before the acceleration compensators cause R2 has ADHD and can't focus.
So why did R2 fall onto Chewie at the end of ESB then?
Cuz the ship was reorienting in space from the maneuvers Lando was doing to the first programmed heading on their run out to where the Rebel fleet was, and there's always been a lag from the compensators for sudden, sharp movements. Watch that scene again -- R2 (and the tool caddy) are thrown to port, not aft.

Every other time we see the Falcon, or any other ship, go to lightspeed, no one even gets pressed back in their seats.

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