Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The Alliance destroyed two Death Stars, killed Darth Vader and the Emperor and yet the Empire is still a problem 30 years later?
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

No more absurd than not being able to realize that we've already several movies setting up that Stormtroopers are clones and not being able to understand that the general public who sees these movies most likely considers this part of Star Wars lore.


Yes, now we can move on. :) Regardless 35 year post ROTJ and the fall of the Empire and their clone making proclivities it would stand to reason an entirely new generation of troops would be human.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The Alliance destroyed two Death Stars, killed Darth Vader and the Emperor and yet the Empire is still a problem 30 years later?

I've destroyed ant colonies and those GD things still keep coming back...
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The Alliance destroyed two Death Stars, killed Darth Vader and the Emperor and yet the Empire is still a problem 30 years later?

It's unclear as of now. Yes there are vestiges of the Empire but are they really part of the old Empire or something new entirely?
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I hope JJ does not go overboard with the easter eggs, this and the Tumbler on the bottom of the Falcon.

Have you seen the JJ StarTrash movies... they were nothing but reference after reference after easter egg after reference....
And that speeder crate thing... it's worse looking than that goofy soccer ball droid.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Not to stir the pot, but I'm pretty sure that one of the back stories was that the Emperor hated clones after their inefficient failure. The troops in ANH were non-clones because of it IIRC.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I bet if The Force Awakens had characters from Avatar and Twilight, all you SW posers would be excited like a bunch Justin Bierber fans
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Have you seen the JJ StarTrash movies... they were nothing but reference after reference after easter egg after reference....
And that speeder crate thing... it's worse looking than that goofy soccer ball droid.

I actually loved the StarTrash films, but then again I wasn't a huge fan of Star Trek to begin with growing up... I can't really argue hahah!
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The Alliance destroyed two Death Stars, killed Darth Vader and the Emperor and yet the Empire is still a problem 30 years later?

While it's still not clear how the Empire is involved - this trailer sure seems to show a lot of Imperial pieces. It's a shame they couldn't come up with something a bit more original - this is just lazy. We can all jump up and down at how great this trailer looks and how familiar many of the pieces feel, but I think we're missing out on the bigger picture due to the spectacle of it all.

Sure feels like Star Wars... but, it's 30 years later and it sure seems like we're getting rehashed bits. I still hope for better :)
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens


While it's still not clear how the Empire is involved - this trailer sure seems to show a lot of Imperial pieces. It's a shame they couldn't come up with something a bit more original - this is just lazy. We can all jump up and down at how great this trailer looks and how familiar many of the pieces feel, but I think we're missing out on the bigger picture due to the spectacle of it all.

Sure feels like Star Wars... but, it's 30 years later and it sure seems like we're getting rehashed bits. I still hope for better :)

I dunno, I think that to simply assume that what we saw on screen in the OT was all that was going on in the galaxy is very tunnel vision-ish. The Empire said they controlled thousands of star systems, and the Rebels beat them with their very small and weak fleets. They were the HUGE underdog the entire time, so it's completely logical that the Empire is still very much alive and well after ROTJ.

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Well, if George Lucas ever wanted to cheer himself up ,reading some of the feedback here should help. But I can understand why some people feel a little short changed with the content.
I’ve broken down the footage below. So out of an actual 90 seconds we got:
10 seconds that was the trailer rating and a black screen.
10 seconds after which was an empty desert.
14 seconds of blank cuts between scenes.
10 seconds of the final title (which everybody knows)
10 seconds of a slow fade to the end).

So really out of the total released available trailer footage we actually had 64 seconds that didn’t tell us anything valuable or new at all and 26 seconds of brilliantly stunning stuff. So what the hell can you REALLY take from that about the film to come ?? In that very brief glimpse (as JJ admits its a TINY taste ) it was the tone that counted and it really struck a cord with me, it really FELT like proper Star Wars!!!!!!!
Taken on a whole with the voice over and that cracking score its about the best teaser trailer I’ve ever seen so far away from a release date,but I can also understand why some people feel there could have been some more interesting content pushed into it. For myself I thought it brought the thrill of seeing a Star Wars movie the likes of which I'd thought had been lost to us forever and that hope is a wonderful thing to feel again. And as a word of warning I would say given that we have another thirteen months to wait for the film release they really have to pace it well or else we are going to spoil the whole damn thing for ourselves. Being greedy killed Greedo afterall!!
On an aside note ,the “speeder bike” is perhaps the wrong term for it, it looks more like a heavy duty junk hauler, a tug as opposed a racer. And given Ridley’s character appears to be a scrap metal salvager of battle grounds then it’s a good choice for her business hauling tonnage as opposed racing.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The Alliance destroyed two Death Stars, killed Darth Vader and the Emperor and yet the Empire is still a problem 30 years later?

When we killed Bin Laden did terrorism end?

Gaddafi dead, Libya safer?

Saddam dead, Iraq safer?

There are countless real world examples where killing a leader and destroying their most powerful weapons do not end a war.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

And really, we debated the Empire still around issue ages ago and this hardly should come as a surprise to anyone participating in this thread. Best to let it go and wait and see in what capacity this "Empire", if it even is that, functions in the story.

And after a day of following my various social media outlets discussing this trailer, the vast majority seem very excited.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Duh it's a teaser trailer so it's not gonna have a lot of content. I think what's there looks terrific with the exception of R2-QT the rolling Pied Piper.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Looks like the Ep.VII Falcon is a sweet blend of the ESB and ANH has the ANH Falcon engine deck details, thin sidewalls and possibly even curvature but the ESB landing gear boxes, and of course the Tantive IV style radar.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I dunno, I think that to simply assume that what we saw on screen in the OT was all that was going on in the galaxy is very tunnel vision-ish. The Empire said they controlled thousands of star systems, and the Rebels beat them with their very small and weak fleets. They were the HUGE underdog the entire time, so it's completely logical that the Empire is still very much alive and well after ROTJ.

Well, if so... it sours the whole ending of Return of the Jedi and the entire set up we had through those first six movies. Is the entire "happy ending" demise of the Empire shown in RotJ? No - but, it's heavily implied that the destruction of two Death Stars and huge chunk of their fleet (including a Super Star Destroyer) and the Emperor and Vader (and countless other high ranking Imperials that would be on the Death Star and in the fleet)...

It's even more implicitly implied when we see celebrations throughout the Star Wars galaxy (including Coruscant).

You can explain that all you'd like, but to Joe Moviegoer the Empire died at the end of RotJ. Leave cleaning up the remnants to the EU... but, for the movie-world, the Empire should've died at the end of RotJ. Like I've said before, JJ and the new SW crew really seem to be taking the easy way out and are just plain lazy storytellers... Star Wars deserves better.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Well, if so... it sours the whole ending of Return of the Jedi and the entire set up we had through those first six movies. Is the entire "happy ending" demise of the Empire shown in RotJ? No - but, it's heavily implied that the destruction of two Death Stars and huge chunk of their fleet (including a Super Star Destroyer) and the Emperor and Vader (and countless other high ranking Imperials that would be on the Death Star and in the fleet)...

It's even more implicitly implied when we see celebrations throughout the Star Wars galaxy (including Coruscant).

You can explain that all you'd like, but to Joe Moviegoer the Empire died at the end of RotJ. Leave cleaning up the remnants to the EU... but, for the movie-world, the Empire should've died at the end of RotJ. Like I've said before, JJ and the new SW crew really seem to be taking the easy way out and are just plain lazy storytellers... Star Wars deserves better.

It certainly worked for the EU. And again, its far to early to say that this is the Empire.
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