Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

CG, it's just quicker, easier, and more flexible to do those scenes

"If you start down the dark path forever will it dominate you destiny!!"

Jokes aside I really hope JJ isn't that lazy. I think people are starting to realize a mix of model and CG effects are the way to go. Seeing what JJ is doing with these sets gives me great hope. I mean instead of building these whole sets he could have just done them on a green screen with just the actors and filled the rest in with CG but he didn't. Doing it practically gives the actors something to work with. It creates real lighting and a lived in feel that CG just can't achieve. It looks real because,damn it IS real. I think what it also does is win the OT fans hearts back. That is something I think JJ is really out to achieve and damn it working. :)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think what Riceball is suggesting is that ship flying through space and doing battle will likely be CG due to the cost of doing the same effect using practical models. And I agree. I think using practical effects and sets for the actors is what is key and clearly what is being done.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII


Is that the stance/swagger of a Mr. Ford/Solo?

Sure looks like a Han silhouette... maybe I'm reaching.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yes I agree too but I have a strong feeling that scale models will be incorporated too. CG will no doubt be used also. :)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think what Riceball is suggesting is that ship flying through space and doing battle will likely be CG due to the cost of doing the same effect using practical models. And I agree. I think using practical effects and sets for the actors is what is key and clearly what is being done.

Yep. :):thumbsup And I am sincerely hoping for an Episode VII-era Coruscant with even more mile-high skyscrapers... ;) And those just couldn't be done with anything other than CG effects. :D
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yep. :):thumbsup And I am sincerely hoping for an Episode VII-era Coruscant with even more mile-high skyscrapers... ;) And those just couldn't be done with anything other than CG effects. :D

That is one location I would guess is a shoe in. Regardless of whether you liked the Prequels or not, Coruscant is just a cool and interesting location.

Those do sound pretty cool. I would definitely like a Prequel era Obi Wan movie. I think everyone can agree that Ewan made an excellent Obi Wan.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

That is one location I would guess is a shoe in. Regardless of whether you liked the Prequels or not, Coruscant is just a cool and interesting location. I was an architect in another life, and Coruscant is a test of any architect's mettle! :)

Can you imagine living in this warren of five and six-hundred story buildings...? I can. :)
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

While I am sure they will use CG for the space battles, I really wish they would go back to the ANH style space battles. There is something to be said for the way WWII footage was used as a template for the spaceship shots. It gave it such a realistic feel that people were able to relate to. I know that particular style was abandoned even by Empire, but they were still perfecting the technology then. In Empire things were IMHO sped up just enough, but I even recall that by the time Jedi came out, I was sitting there in the theater thinking "some of this is just too fast." I'm tired of space battles that seem like nothing but a swarm of bees buzzing around-- ten zillion ships flying around so fast and so haphazard that there feels like there is no rhyme or reason to anything.

I want to see some ships flying in formation again, doing those cool peel offs and barrel rolls that we saw in ANH. What we really need is another bomb run scenario of some sort. Something that can lay in some suspense as in the trench run or the intensity of the Death Star escape. Bring back targeting computers and having to wait for the shot. The suspense of the trench run was the greatest thing in any SW movie ever and it has just been abandoned. Lets see some more of that. Not just a bunch of ships flying willy nilly around with everybody just shooting at everything.

Also bring back actual exploding models (or at least cg versions of that). I liked seeing ships actually coming apart as they went down, not just "here's the ship, next frame giant fireball"..
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I wonder if those hangars will be enhanced with CG to be made to look like this:


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