Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The other problem with film that you're going to run into is (in part) the need or desire to sell toys & other related merchandise and you idiot suits who will want to insist the movie be made paint by numbers style, ie because studies indicate audiences X years old to Y years old like Z you have to have Z in the movie then whether or not it really fits. However, I do feel that Ep. VII does need some of the OT characters, at least Han, Luke, & Leia in some capacity to sort of bridge the gap between Ep. VI & VII but it needn't be about them nor do they need a large role, just enough to set things up and hand things off to the new cast of characters.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The other problem with film that you're going to run into is (in part) the need or desire to sell toys & other related merchandise and you idiot suits who will want to insist the movie be made paint by numbers style, ie because studies indicate audiences X years old to Y years old like Z you have to have Z in the movie then whether or not it really fits. However, I do feel that Ep. VII does need some of the OT characters, at least Han, Luke, & Leia in some capacity to sort of bridge the gap between Ep. VI & VII but it needn't be about them nor do they need a large role, just enough to set things up and hand things off to the new cast of characters.

And it should be noted that the desire to have a marketability for toys is an important part of franchise building and the correct instinct. If Ep VII is a disappointment for us but my son loves it and wants to play with the toys, it's a winner. And I say that without the slightest bit of irony, the world of the fantastic doesn't revolve around catering to the desires of men 40 and older. :)
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

... There's no reason that seasoned professional writers can't craft a story that keeps things fresh and new while embracing the past at the same time. If they do it and it doesn't work, then the failure is in the writing, not the concept.
I concur.

Also, there's one thing that hasn't been mentioned in this discussion yet--George Lucas will not play any part in writing the screenplay(s). Yes, the rumors are that the writers and producers have his notes and/or story outlines and that he might act as a consultant, but that doesn't necessarily mean the new writers will go along with everything he says. Lucas was the only writer for The Phantom Menace, Revenge of the Sith, and A New Hope, and one of two or three writers for Attack of the Clones, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. And, since the Star Wars franchise was his "baby" and he's "the boss", I'm sure he had final say on which elements were or were not included in the stories for those movies. But for all intents and purposes he's out of the picture now. His writing style was to include certain elements repeatedly throughout the franchise, but there's no reason to expect the new writers will do the same. Yeah, there might be a "nod to the fans" here or there, but I think the "new guys" are going to try to prove the franchise is in good hands by keeping the tone of the previous movies but bringing fresh new elements to the overall story.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Sort of a tangent but I don't know where else to ask on RPF. I don't suppose anyone here knows someone who's good at musical scores in the Star Wars John Williams style? Had a short I was working on but my original composer fell through. I've tried looking for royalty free stuff on but nothing turned up
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Sort of a tangent but I don't know where else to ask on RPF. I don't suppose anyone here knows someone who's good at musical scores in the Star Wars John Williams style? Had a short I was working on but my original composer fell through. I've tried looking for royalty free stuff on but nothing turned up

Try John Ottoman ;)
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Well for me I didn't care all that much for the EU Star Wars much,and I sure as hell think the series with Luke,Han,Leia et cetera is OVER,done,finished and at best they're there to usher in the next big story.


A few things can and should carry over,like Boba Fett or at least his people as I think they offer some interesting ideas for new stories.

Next I can in no way believe that the Empire would just fold up and die,never mind that there's probably a metric arse load of them still around but face it SOME planets/people will have to have liked having them around so in some ways seeing storm troopers and such around makes sense.

It'd be funny if they built a new death star and parked it besides a planet that was uninhabited and started a new race or such :lol
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Since the Empire's look echoed the style of Nazi Gemany, it would be cool if the new Enemy was an old Ally who fought with the Rebels during their struggles, similar to our modern history
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Since the Empire's look echoed the style of Nazi Gemany, it would be cool if the new Enemy was an old Ally who fought with the Rebels during their struggles, similar to our modern history

Be funny if that happened and the remains of the Empire is now an ally,which when you think of it would happen since the stormtroopers were republic soldiers to begin with......
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Well it finally happened... it was inevitable. as with the announcement of the prequels all those years ago, I have once again had the dream where I watched the new Star Wars ahead of time. According to my subconscious, dreaming mind, here's what we have to look forward to....

- A Fat Chewbacca, who acts more like a dog. Wears a suit.
- Lieutenant Gizmo - a police Mogwai, who is on a quest to arrest the Jedi (don't write this off... ET was in the senate)
- Luke has a lightsaber blaster... one side shoots lasers, one side has a blade.
- Leia fawns over Han a lot, and has red hair for some reason. She's in decent shape.
- The Emperor IS in, but has a neck like George Lucas.
- at one point, something that looks a LOT like "The claaaaawwww" from Toy Story, grabs the falcon, impaling it.

This is basically all I remember. Take my dreams with a grain of salt, they had most of the prequels wrong. for example, Han wasn't in any of them, and there was no Mario World with giant mushroom platforms for the the Falcon to land on.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Not shrooms... baked chips with salsa followed bytwo hours of Mario galaxy (old school?)

I guess you could try and dream your own ep VII... But results may vary.

When I end up having these dreams, I do wear them as a badge of honor... I should say though that I completely trust Abrams and co. Since the pilot for Felicity, I haven't questioned this guys story telling ability.
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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Well it finally happened... it was inevitable. as with the announcement of the prequels all those years ago, I have once again had the dream where I watched the new Star Wars ahead of time. According to my subconscious, dreaming mind, here's what we have to look forward to....

- A Fat Chewbacca, who acts more like a dog. Wears a suit.
- Lieutenant Gizmo - a police Mogwai, who is on a quest to arrest the Jedi (don't write this off... ET was in the senate)
- Luke has a lightsaber blaster... one side shoots lasers, one side has a blade.
- Leia fawns over Han a lot, and has red hair for some reason. She's in decent shape.
- The Emperor IS in, but has a neck like George Lucas.
- at one point, something that looks a LOT like "The claaaaawwww" from Toy Story, grabs the falcon, impaling it.

This is basically all I remember. Take my dreams with a grain of salt, they had most of the prequels wrong. for example, Han wasn't in any of them, and there was no Mario World with giant mushroom platforms for the the Falcon to land on.

I can't wait to bring up this post after the films come out
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Ok, a little off topic, but lets face it, this forum has been all over the place at times.

I just watched the last season of Star Wars the Clone Wars. Yes, I can be a kid sometimes. If anyone else has watched it, did you get the feeling that they left gaping holes, just like the prequels did? What happened to Asoka after she left? Where is Ventress? How did Anakin become a force ghost after how they explained Qui Gon and Yoda? Did I miss something?

My main issues are the characters that you began to like that weren't in the movies, and now have just disappeared. And spoiler alert, Jar Jar is there and no one cut his head off. Very sad.....and annoying.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

They couldn't kill him off...he was in ROTS. And I still don't understand why Jar Jar is such a hated character.

Because he's a bumbling alien with no skills or common sense that speaks pig-Latin.

- - - Updated - - -

His character adds nothing to the storyline except something for kids to laugh at during the film so it didn't become "dark".
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