Let's be honest, though, how can you NOT watch? :lol
Easy. "She's lost the will to live."
I gave up on Star Wars the moment Padme died of a broken heart. How can I honestly support something where the only female character that's worth da** is killed off because that jerk of a character did what he's always done? Being a jerk.
And this new Clone Wars series? No interest. I watched the original animated series and that was good for what it was trying to do. This new series is just so pointless. It goes nowhere, does nothing, and everything it showcases as being new just ends up being irrelevant later on. It's the epiphany of a series that's stuck in one storyline that's already been told and doesn't want to move forward. Even if there were good episodes, or even terrific episodes, it all sucks anyways because all roads lead to "She's lost the will to live".
The only Star Wars fix I get nowadays is from the original Knights of the Old Republic game. I still regard that as the best Star Wars
THING in any medium. Even better than the original trilogy. You can leave the characters you don't like behind, develop the characters you like, make the lead character into whatever he/she wants to be and have a blast. Any kind of character you create, whether he/she is good or bad will be 100x more enjoyable, entertaining and likable than any iteration of that ****** bag of a character named Anakin Skywalker.
I have what I want out of Star Wars, and I'm not afraid to sit everything else out and call it a day. If Star Wars is reduced to the level that we all loath, I won't care.