STAR WARS Rebels new animated series!

I don't read it that way - that they have to die. Seems as if it's more of a faith in the jedi is gone as with just a handful left, they can help the fight, but they (jedi) cannot win the fight against a superior military that vastly outnumbers them.
They don't have to die. There's a part in the Rinzler Making of ANH where Lucas answered questions about the universe immediately after SW came out. He said something like that there are more Jedi that might have survived, but Luke and Obi Wan only knew about two (assuming he was thinking of Yoda). The real problem is later on when you think "Why didn't any of the Rebels say 'Hey Luke, you know there were three other Jedi that we saw some years before you showed up.'" I can't remember the Leia episode, but did Ezra or Kanan use the Force around her? Heck she probably knows about Jedi so even a lightsaber would tip her off. My guess is that they come up with a reason for Ezra and Kanan to leave. Maybe they figure that they are a danger to the Rebels so they leave to go into hiding or something.
They don't have to die. There's a part in the Rinzler Making of ANH where Lucas answered questions about the universe immediately after SW came out. He said something like that there are more Jedi that might have survived, but Luke and Obi Wan only knew about two (assuming he was thinking of Yoda). The real problem is later on when you think "Why didn't any of the Rebels say 'Hey Luke, you know there were three other Jedi that we saw some years before you showed up.'" I can't remember the Leia episode, but did Ezra or Kanan use the Force around her? Heck she probably knows about Jedi so even a lightsaber would tip her off. My guess is that they come up with a reason for Ezra and Kanan to leave. Maybe they figure that they are a danger to the Rebels so they leave to go into hiding or something.

i think she saw kanan use his lightsaber... i have to double check but i'm pretty sure.

your absolutely right that wouldn't make any sense if she saw him exposed as a jedi...

then again did she know of obiwan as a jedi in anh?

i remember the lines went something like "you helped my father in the clone wars" or " you were a general in the clone wars" i don't think she mentioned jedi knight.

now bail would defiantly know, he must have told leia... then again maybe not. if she were ever caught she could leak that obiwan was still alive

either way this is the one thing i love about this place, we can all come on here and share our thoughts and imaginations!!

i'm excited for saturday! is it on 9pm est?

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...then again did she know of obiwan as a jedi in anh?

i remember the lines went something like "you helped my father in the clone wars" or " you were a general in the clone wars" i don't think she mentioned jedi knight...
"General Kenobi. Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars..." Blah blah information, blah blah R2 unit, help me Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"General Kenobi. Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars..." Blah blah information, blah blah R2 unit, help me Obi-Wan Kenobi.

lol there we go! she never mentions him being a jedi... as r2 refer to him as jedi? when talking with 3po?

i'm going to have to watch Anh tonight

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Remember that it has been established by Dave F. that the rebels in "Rebels" is not the faction we see at Yavin. This is a Rebel "Alliance" meaning that different entries and factions with similar goals working together. We have no idea if the amassing of the fleet we see starting in The Empire Strikes Back and seen in Return of the Jedi was the first time such a thing took place. It might have been the first or very rare. I personally believe that there were still rebel members who were not at the Battle of Endor. This could have been due to mission needs or logistic issues or other factors.

Basically I don't think there is evidence to support that every rebel in the alliance was interacting with everyone else nor evidence that it was "well/widely known" that Luke was in training as a Jedi (no Alliance chatroom).
Remember that it has been established by Dave F. that the rebels in "Rebels" is not the faction we see at Yavin. This is a Rebel "Alliance" meaning that different entries and factions with similar goals working together. We have no idea if the amassing of the fleet we see starting in The Empire Strikes Back and seen in Return of the Jedi was the first time such a thing took place. It might have been the first or very rare. I personally believe that there were still rebel members who were not at the Battle of Endor. This could have been due to mission needs or logistic issues or other factors.

Basically I don't think there is evidence to support that every rebel in the alliance was interacting with everyone else nor evidence that it was "well/widely known" that Luke was in training as a Jedi (no Alliance chatroom).

Rebels seems to suggest that at this point in time the Rebel Alliance is still in its infancy and probably consists of multiple groups and cells. When the show first started it showed that the Ghost crew were rebels (note the lower case r) and not Rebels, just acting as anti-Imperials on Lothal. I think that the Rebels (capital R) are like that, mostly loosely connected forces across various systems with a small central core that act or a few small fleets for larger actions that might even occasionally work together. It makes sense since history has shown that rebel groups start out small and decentralized to avoid detection and so that the loss of any one group doesn't affect the movement as a whole, but once they get strong enough, and/or the time is right they move out more into the open and act more as a conventional military.
Rebels seems to suggest that at this point in time the Rebel Alliance is still in its infancy and probably consists of multiple groups and cells. When the show first started it showed that the Ghost crew were rebels (note the lower case r) and not Rebels, just acting as anti-Imperials on Lothal. I think that the Rebels (capital R) are like that, mostly loosely connected forces across various systems with a small central core that act or a few small fleets for larger actions that might even occasionally work together. It makes sense since history has shown that rebel groups start out small and decentralized to avoid detection and so that the loss of any one group doesn't affect the movement as a whole, but once they get strong enough, and/or the time is right they move out more into the open and act more as a conventional military.

I was speaking as the Alliance in the times of the OT because people were talking about telling Luke about other Jedi seen working in the Rebellion in the past.

I only use a "R" in Rebels to note that i am talking about the show title not the group.

Basically here is how things played out.

Show starts.. our group are rebels. We find out later from Tarkin...

...that other such rebellions have exist, but his group is noted for its principles. We also know at that once R2 reported to Bail Organa that this group was also a band of rebels, Hera is getting missions from Fulcrum (Ahsoka) and the mystery is meant so that no one group knows about the others. It is when Ezra makes his broadcast that the beginnings of the alliance start to form.

So basically Season One is about how small groups opposing the empire came together to form and alliance. Season Two is about how that alliance struggled to form and start to grow.
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lol there we go! she never mentions him being a jedi... as r2 refer to him as jedi? when talking with 3po?

i'm going to have to watch Anh tonight
I don't think there's anything in A New Hope that either confirms or refutes whether Leia knew Kenobi was Jedi. She may have caught a glimpse of Kenobi and Vader dueling as she and the guys were trying to escape the Death Star, but even that's questionable.
I don't think there's anything in A New Hope that either confirms or refutes whether Leia knew Kenobi was Jedi. She may have caught a glimpse of Kenobi and Vader dueling as she and the guys were trying to escape the Death Star, but even that's questionable.

My guess is that if she knows what the Clone Wars were, then it's likely she knew that the Generals were Jedi Knights. Plus if I was Luke, who is really excited, I'd be telling her "Dude he has a lightsaber and he just cut this guy's arm off!" :lol
My guess is that if she knows what the Clone Wars were, then it's likely she knew that the Generals were Jedi Knights...
That's possible. But Bail Organa supported the remaining Jedi after Order 66 had been executed, so he may have told Leia about the Clone Wars and intentionally hid any references to Kenobi being a Jedi, or even lied about it, to protect him.

...Plus if I was Luke, who is really excited, I'd be telling her "Dude he has a lightsaber and he just cut this guy's arm off!" :lol
Luke was pretty distraught over Kenobi's "death" in A New Hope, but, yeah, Luke and Leia probably had that conversation at some point; we just didn't see it in any of the movies.
S3 Ep1 was a decent episode. I'd call it a standard episode which sets the season in motion. Nice to see the Y-Wings although..

...they are being sent to General Donnona's group so you most likely won't see them again, but who knows.

One little thing bothered me and I admit that the US military is not the Rebellion military so anything is fair game but I'm going to get it off my chest.

If your rank is Lieutenant Commander, you can address them as either Lieutenant Commander or Commander but not simply as Lieutenant. Assuming there is a rank of Lieutenant in the Rebellion, it is improper to call someone a rank that by title demotes them. It is ok if it is a rank above them.

For instance, you cannot call someone within the Chief ranks of the navy "Chief" because the ranks go Chief, Senior Chief, and Master Chief. Calling a Senior or Master Chief a Chief is an insult. However and Admiral can be called Admiral because the ranks go; Rear (Upper/Lower) Admiral, Vice Admiral, and Admiral.

Same goes for Sargent ranks in the Marines and Army. The lowest of the SGT ranks is Sargent so for instance, calling a Master Sargent is disrespectful. HOWEVER, you can do it in the Air Force because there is no just "Sargent" rank.

Ok, just had to vent.



As I watch the episode again, the phrasing of "Lieutenant Commander" when giving Ezra his new rank could mean; "You will a mission commander with the rank of Lieutenant." After all, Hera is only a Captain as in an army type, not a higher ranking Navy type. I am assuming that based on the simple two blue pips on her sleeve.
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