STAR WARS Rebels new animated series!

I wonder if they will keep a similar background for Thrawn? He's still a Grand Admiral, so that must still be canon. I don't know if they are keeping the Empire anti-alien like in the old EU. I'm not sure if Lucas intended the Empire to be anti-alien or if they just didn't want to pay for more alien masks for Imperial crew. Anyone know?
I wonder if they will keep a similar background for Thrawn? He's still a Grand Admiral, so that must still be canon. I don't know if they are keeping the Empire anti-alien like in the old EU. I'm not sure if Lucas intended the Empire to be anti-alien or if they just didn't want to pay for more alien masks for Imperial crew. Anyone know?
Pretty sure new canon novels have confirmed this. Can't site any particular one off hand, though. Maybe Tarkin? As far as Lucas's intention...who can tell.
Okay, thanks.

There's part of an interview with Dave Filoni on the new SW news thing. He did say, when answering about adding Thrawn back in, that they try to look at existing things from the EU when they need a new element. I'm glad to hear that because that's what I was hoping they'd do with the Legends stuff.

Will We See Darth Vader in Star Wars Rebels Season 3?[/h]

The trailer for Star Wars Rebels Season 3 premiered at Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016, revealing a new villain for our heroes. But with Grand Admiral Thrawn resurrected from Legends back into Star Wars canon, what does this mean for Darth Vader and his Inquisitors? Will we see the Jedi-turned-Sith leader or his Force-empowered Jedi hunter team of Inquisitors in the third season of the acclaimed Disney XD series? Star Wars Rebels creator Dave Filonianswers these questions, after the jump.
I had a chance to ask Star Wars Rebels creator/producer Dave Filoni if we will see Darth Vader in Star Wars Rebels Season 3, here is what he said:
You know, I’ve kind of gone on this course, which is pretty, pretty direct about certain things ’cause I don’t like to tease people along and then have them be disappointed. So it’s really an elected decision to not have Vader around because, as we get closer to A New Hope, I want him to serve as that story.
Filoni explained that he doesn’t want to “take up too much of Vader’s time.”
I know it sounds funny. I don’t wanna fill in every hole. I don’t know what we benefit from that. As much as you need to say, okay, this is a major point in his life when he’s confronted by his former apprentice. That is worth doing. Him chasing the rebels of the Ghost crew around is never something that really interested me. Mainly because I didn’t think they could survive it for very long. And now that I have Thrawn, it’s more interesting to me to setup this completely different kind of villain that’s gonna play a long game against our guys that they’re not typically used to.
Filoni went on to praise James Earl Jones who has returned to voice the iconic character for the series, stating that he appreciates the actor’s time and knows that “he’s a very busy man.”
He is performing on stage all the time and he is gracious to take time to come and perform for us. And to play the role of Vader. And I really appreciated that. And I just wanted to make sure that it was a limited thing.
All of that said, Filoni leaves the door open for Darth Vader’s return to Star Wars Rebels:
You know, could he ever come back? Possible, but not presently.

As for the Inquisitors, Darth Vader’s team of Jedi Hunters, Filoni didn’t want to commit to a definite answer.
I’m not gonna define if they’re done not or yet. But I feel like you have to start to phase those things out. Because you get the feeling when Tarkin’s talking to Vader in A New Hope that Force wielding usage wasn’t something that was very prevalent in A New Hope. He talks about it like something that’s a bygone era. So it was risky to me to have these kind of modern Force wielding guys around as close to the timeline as we were. And so I’ve kind of tried to push them away and kind of got rid of them a lot in one fell swoop last season. And now I’m bringing in more of a military man who I think actually fits that type of feeling and time period more like the Piett’s and those kind of bad guys. But, you know, ’cause when I was a kid and remember Tarkin says that line to Vader about their fire’s gone out in the galaxy. I felt like it was hundreds of years. You didn’t realize as a kid how recently it was. It was in Tarkin’s lifetime that the Jedi were running around. But yeah, it’s gotta be feeling like it was a while ago.
I think Filoni is dead-on in his reading of A New Hope, and as much as I love this show, I almost wish that the Inquisitors weren’t brought in at all. I like the idea of a Thrawn-like big bad, and I love the idea of setting up Maul as an adversary to both the Rebels and the Empire.
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i sure hope we see vader again... i can't seem him knowing the rebels have the holocron and him letting them keep it
Reading between those lines, Vader isn't in Season 3, but could return later - meaning they have every intention of season 4! :)

Vader may want the holocron, but nothing says Thrawn couldn't get it for him either.
I was looking at the Rinzler Making of ANH book and was reading the thing in the back where Lucas was answering general questions about the SW Universe the other night. He mentioned that more Jedi probably survived but Luke only knows about Obi Wan (as of ANH). So I like the idea that some Jedi couldn't sit still and were starting little pockets of resistance everywhere. I hope they don't show more than one or two because I think it's important to show that normal people were primarily behind it until Luke shows up.

I'm not sure there's a way to do it on Rebels, other than maybe a flashback, but I think it would be interesting to explore what Filoni talked about in that, about what clones and the commanders (Rex, Wolf, etc.) dealt with seeing the fall of the Republic and realizing they were used. That would even be a good avenue to bring back some characters from the Republic Commando novels since they explored the subject of the clones being used, not given choice, etc.
I was looking at the Rinzler Making of ANH book and was reading the thing in the back where Lucas was answering general questions about the SW Universe the other night. He mentioned that more Jedi probably survived but Luke only knows about Obi Wan (as of ANH). So I like the idea that some Jedi couldn't sit still and were starting little pockets of resistance everywhere. I hope they don't show more than one or two because I think it's important to show that normal people were primarily behind it until Luke shows up.

I'm not sure there's a way to do it on Rebels, other than maybe a flashback, but I think it would be interesting to explore what Filoni talked about in that, about what clones and the commanders (Rex, Wolf, etc.) dealt with seeing the fall of the Republic and realizing they were used. That would even be a good avenue to bring back some characters from the Republic Commando novels since they explored the subject of the clones being used, not given choice, etc.

do the clones truly believe they were used though? i mean all the ones with the mind chips were brain washed? so they still might believe the jedi were real traitors

maybe you guys can clear this up for me.. but for some season i want to say i think i remember hearing or reading that the empire terminated most of its clones after order 66? (like holocaust terminate) was that true? i dont know why i feel so strongly about it? like i read it on here or something

i also remember reading that when vader boards the tantive iv those troopers are the 501st and still clones that fought with him back in the clone wars? is there any truth to that? if so those clones are in real good shape still..
Hmm..without doing research and just going off memory:

The clones on Rebels removed their bio chips so they know they would have been controlled. The ones that have chips do not

I don't remember them killing the clones - I do remember that the earlier clones had a shorter lifespan then the ones at the end of the war. In the Kanan comic the clones that killed his master chase him around for awhile.

Not sure on the boarding part. I'm gonna try to find that one!
I'm not sure what the chips would do. Would it keep them from believing any information about Order 66 contrary to what they were told? Do they have any free will? I haven't seen that episode yet so I don't know how much they explained them.

I don't think we ever have heard yet at what point the AOTC clones have to be phased out (not killed) because of their age. I would assume some would be kept as instructors because that would be invaluable. I doubt they just let them go do their own thing. Lucas did say that some Stormtroopers in the OT are still clones made using the Jango template. So it's possible the 501st would use them. The disturbing conclusion of that would be that the troops on Endor ("an entire legion of my best troops") were 501st and were beaten by Ewoks. I can't see Jango template clones being taken down like that. :lol Of course, it's a giant bureaucracy so some officer could have said "Oh yeah sir they're your best troops!" and sent regular Stormtroopers.
when reading mauls bio, i got the feeling of digging up kenobi's location... i think it would be amazing to see a showdown between kenobi and maul. and having ol' ben finish maul off once and for all
when reading mauls bio, i got the feeling of digging up kenobi's location... i think it would be amazing to see a showdown between kenobi and maul. and having ol' ben finish maul off once and for all
Totally. Right on tattooine! !

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