STAR WARS Rebels new animated series!

As far as the B-Wing and time for production, you will most likely need to go back to WW2 in which the need for better planes brought new craft from drawing board to skies very quickly.

As a retired Aviation Maintenance Duty Office for the US Navy. I have been involved in a lot of aircraft development. Ran the engine test cell for the Super Hornet. Helped select the location for the vertical takeoff pad for the testing of craft different companies bidding on the F-35. I was on the Fleet Introduction Team for the SH60 S and R which also included the S3 Sundown program, I was the OIC for the Gaining unit Acceptance Team stationed at Lockheed for the F-35. I was also kept in the loop on briefings for the V-22.

Basically what i can tell you is that much of that time is red tape, congressional interference, research, testing and development. Often they moved forward with the production of craft when key systems and support software were still in the development stage. So what i am saying is that if you cut out all the BS and throw caution to the wind. You could get ships out to the fleet quickly once the prototype was finished.

But here is the key factor. This is the Star Wars universe and if they can do it, then it must be possible.
Why use the Bwing in ANH? It's too big to fit in the Deathstar trench and based on the Rebels game plan they weren't expecting Tie fighters. Plus there were no Star Destroyers that needed to be attacked to protect the Rebel fleet.
I wonder how many people and contractors it took to develop the F-22? Hundreds if not thousands. I find it ironic that some of you are trying to conjure up some sort of "realistic" scenario (the sort I'm sometimes accused of) why the B-wing is not in service during ANH and yet seem perfectly content that an old man developed an advanced, functioning, flying prototype (that seemed plenty capable) in his garage. Real world considerations no longer apply if we're willing to accept that. If we're in a galaxy where that can happen, then yes, I think bonafide shipyard facilities can get a production B-wing sorted fairly quickly.

A heavy assault fighter would've been plenty useful against the DS, doing strafing runs, destroying defense towers and any number of things. Use your imagination. It seemed quite nimble in Rebels and I highly doubt there is some built in limitation that dictates that it is solely capable of attacking capital ships.

If we're going with the "multiple Rebel cell" scenario that is canon, it makes far more sense to me that it simply wasn't at Yavin but somewhere else.
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I wonder how many people and contractors it took to develop the F-22? Hundreds if not thousands. I find it ironic that some of you are trying to conjure up some sort of "realistic" scenario (the sort I'm sometimes accused of) why the B-wing is not in service during ANH and yet seem perfectly content that an old man developed an advanced, functioning, flying prototype (that seemed plenty capable) in his garage. Real world considerations no longer apply if we're willing to accept that. If we're in a galaxy where that can happen, then yes, I think bonafide shipyard facilities can get a production B-wing sorted fairly quickly.

A heavy assault fighter would've been plenty useful against the DS, doing strafing runs, destroying defense towers and any number of things. Use your imagination. It seemed quite nimble in Rebels and I highly doubt there is some built in limitation that dictates that it is solely capable of attacking capital ships.

If we're going with the "multiple Rebel cell" scenario that is canon, it makes far more sense to me that it simply wasn't at Yavin but somewhere else.

Oh believe me I don't care and didn't even think about it until reading this thread :) I take all the movies a face value and really don't sit around wondering about who developed what or why this is in that movie or another. It is all fantasy and trying to jam any of it into our perception of what "real" life is, is futile. I was just trying to be a good forum member adding to the discussion. Seriously if all of a sudden storm troopers are purple and Jedi lightsabers change colors like a disco light I couldn't care less. They are good popcorn movies and that is about all the deeper meaning I take from them (or any other movie).

Oh I think there's often deeper meaning in SW but it depends on what you're actually watching. I would have an aneurysm if there were purple stormtroopers and disco lightsabers. Lol!
Still can't believe people cannot understand why all craft are not at every base. In the real world, not all in service Navy type aircraft are found at one time on a Naval Air Station or carrier.

Also, with that line of thinking, you have to believe that Y-Wings were all destroyed by the time of the Hoth base because none are seen and then they suddenly built some because they were flying with the fleet at the end of The Empire Strikes Back because that is when you see them again. Because if you do not see them, they don't exist, Right? :facepalm
Still can't believe people cannot understand why all craft are not at every base. In the real world, not all in service Navy type aircraft are found at one time on a Naval Air Station or carrier.

Also, with that line of thinking, you have to believe that Y-Wings were all destroyed by the time of the Hoth base because none are seen and then they suddenly built some because they were flying with the fleet at the end of The Empire Strikes Back because that is when you see them again. Because if you do not see them, they don't exist, Right? :facepalm

What? You mean that there are no KC-130s stationed aboard any of our carriers, and what about those P-3s and P-8s, surely they're carrier capable being Naval aircraft and all.
Hahaha! Good grief. So we continue to attempt to compare a real world, professional military force to a rag-tag band of desperate Rebels in space. Oy vey...:facepalm

As for Y-wings, TESB clearly shows them with the fleet at the end of the movie.
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Oh, for Pete's sake. :facepalm Wolfsburg, Mara Jade's Father is saying that, by your reasoning, Y-Wings didn't exist during the Battle of Hoth because we didn't see them there waiting with the X-WIngs. Even though they existed both pre and post. I really don't get why you're so stuck on the A- and B-Wing thing. How are so many of us able to just roll with it while you're not? There's an old aphorism, "lack of evidence is not evidence of lack". Just because we didn't see them in the Battle of Yavin doesn't mean they weren't around in some form somewhere, and Rebels has gone with that interpretation. I have no problem with it, after being initially surprised by it... and a little resistant to it from long habit. I've been playing the West End Games RPG since about 1990, which is where the commonly-accepted EU origins come from. I like a lot of designs they introduced to the Star Wars universe, but over on the facts and numbers end, they got enough from the movies wrong, and AOTC overwrote Boba's backstory(ies), so I just consider this yet another thing they got wrong, retroactively.


Until we see a half-squadron of B-Wings prior to ROTJ in some canon source (we only saw four in ROTJ), having the prototype roll out about eight years before we have the first confirmed appearance of multiple craft in combat is not a huge span.

As for the A-Wings, I actually prefer them being around pre-Yavin. One of the things I liked from the EU was how firms designed new fighters to pitch to the Empire, but the Empire went the direction of Sienar's TIEs. So those updated Y-Wings and the T-65 X-Wings that Incom built to combine all the best elements of their latest Z-95 Headhunters... It works for the A-Wing to have been introduced, too, in the same period, and for the same reasons. As others have commented (including myself), it has strong resemblences to the Coruscant police speeders, to the V-Wing, even to the old Delta-7 Jedi starfighters. And the design lineage can even be argued to go back to some of the craft of the Great Galactic War. But for all three it makes sense that the big designers would all put forth the effort right after the Declaration of Empire.

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Oh, for Pete's sake. :facepalm @Wolfsburg, @Mara Jade's Father is saying that, by your reasoning, Y-Wings didn't exist during the Battle of Hoth because we didn't see them there waiting with the X-WIngs. Even though they existed both pre and post. I really don't get why you're so stuck on the A- and B-Wing thing. How are so many of us able to just roll with it while you're not? There's an old aphorism, "lack of evidence is not evidence of lack". Just because we didn't see them in the Battle of Yavin doesn't mean they weren't around in some form somewhere, and Rebels has gone with that interpretation. I have no problem with it, after being initially surprised by it... and a little resistant to it from long habit. I've been playing the West End Games RPG since about 1990, which is where the commonly-accepted EU origins come from. I like a lot of designs they introduced to the Star Wars universe, but over on the facts and numbers end, they got enough from the movies wrong, and AOTC overwrote Boba's backstory(ies), so I just consider this yet another thing they got wrong, retroactively.


Until we see a half-squadron of B-Wings prior to ROTJ in some canon source (we only saw four in ROTJ), having the prototype roll out about eight years before we have the first confirmed appearance of multiple craft in combat is not a huge span.

As for the A-Wings, I actually prefer them being around pre-Yavin. One of the things I liked from the EU was how firms designed new fighters to pitch to the Empire, but the Empire went the direction of Sienar's TIEs. So those updated Y-Wings and the T-65 X-Wings that Incom built to combine all the best elements of their latest Z-95 Headhunters... It works for the A-Wing to have been introduced, too, in the same period, and for the same reasons. As others have commented (including myself), it has strong resemblences to the Coruscant police speeders, to the V-Wing, even to the old Delta-7 Jedi starfighters. And the design lineage can even be argued to go back to some of the craft of the Great Galactic War. But for all three it makes sense that the big designers would all put forth the effort right after the Declaration of Empire.


Mara Jade''s Father's argument is ridiculous because we see the Y-wing before and after the battle of Hoth, unless he really is dense enough to not be able to ascertain the difference in the Y-wing's absence on Hoth to the B-wing/A-wing's absence on Yavin. Apples and oranges. At the point of the Battle of Yavin, we had NEVER seen the latter two before so it was entirely plausible, as a movie goer ignoring any tertiary sources, that it was because they simply hadn't been designed yet. I preferred that cleaner, simpler explanation and find it quite amazing that some find that so incredulous or absurd for someone to believe. It was a plausible conclusion, I thought, given what we knew (which wasn't much). So no, I'm not saying at all that the Y-wing magically disappeared and find it humorous someone could actually reach the conclusion I'd think as such, based on anything I've written. I think the Y-wings were with the Rebel fleet. Simple. However, as far as I'm concerned the debate is over so I'm not sure why it was opened up again. I even stated a few posts up:

If we're going with the "multiple Rebel cell" scenario that is canon, it makes far more sense to me that it simply wasn't at Yavin but somewhere else.

The argument was reopened about the B-wing's development time or whatever, trying to use the F-22's extended development as an example, and I stated it makes more sense to me, given what the canon is (ie: indie mechanics can build advanced fighters in their garage), that it simply wasn't seen because it was somewhere else and not because of some drawn out development period. If anything, I've accepted what the canon is now and agree with what you guys are saying. I think it's inferior to simply leaving it to the imagination but it is what it is...
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