Star Wars movie set den build

Someone asked for a wider photo, it is in this message. I have just completed decorating one wall section, using movie stills as a guide. The last thing to get decorated was the dark rectangles, circled, as seen in this movie still.

I made the rectangles completely from recycled items around the house. Looking at the still, it appeared the rectangle was not flat, and it may have been a grille-like material in the center. Anything with depth lends more visual interest, so here we go.

I chose to chop up a shelf liner, the blue stuff. And I needed some flat surface to glue the liner to. I have a big box of flat sheet magnets salvaged from an office I cleaned out last century. I cut them to size and glued the shelf liner on with a very thick coating of construction adhesive. I filled all the "holes" in the shelf liner, squishing the adhesive through it. The next day they were dry and ready for paint. The middles are painted dark gray, and the edges will be painted light gray.

The rectangles are glued to the wall, Boom! That section is done.

I've added upper and lower pieces floor-to-ceiling now. Next I'll duplicate this setup 3 other places in the room.

Most people decorate rooms with boring Colonial-style wainscot like this. Why? The Star Wars stuff looks so much more modern and sophisticated! Don't decorate like the 1700's anymore.
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It's time for another construction progress video. :D This is a working office for my radio and web business. It has some Star Wars style to it. I may have been drinking a glowing blue beer, so there!
VIDEO --> March room progress - YouTube <-- VIDEO
The video usually freezes in my browser. If it stops updating the video midway through while the sound keeps playing... Just nudge the time slider ahead and the video portion will update. That's weird operation from YouTube.

I still have a lot of small details to add such as trim around the two window shades. There has been a lot of progress with wall decoration lately. A Facebook friend told me I was going "Overboard". :facepalm Well, yeah! That's what makes it fun, kicking back at the end of the day and being immersed in a wacky spacey environment!
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This really is a fantastic build, you have some great skills and I really love the door! It looks pretty much finished in that video. Thanks so much for sharing the build.
The back wall of the room is going to have a viewport. Wall is now gray.

It got the chair rail disguise treatment which I totally invented. :cool Lights up with a flash.

Added these dimensional pieces. That light switch is gonna go eventually.

Oh, you saw my rough designs for stuff hangin on tha wall. The little paper cutouts at the top are the vertical supports for my desk. It took me 5 or 6 designs till I got those looking the way I wanted with the desk balancing its weight just right on the floor. Behold the secret plans for the Death Star, stupidly affixed to a wall where the Rebels could easily find them. ;) Anyway, the viewport rough design can be seen here. It will resemble a blast door. Blast doors are cool.

The window frame is cut out of Sintra and primered.

One night I built a wooden frame for it. Because these 2x2's like to warp, this is held together with screws and wood glue on everything.

Keeping with my theme of building a lot of stuff with recycled materials on hand, I needed some metal "L" brackets. I didn't have any, so I found some miniblind hangers which are "C" shape and cut them down into the "L" shape you see here. Some miniblind screws on hand fit into the mounting holes with no trouble.

Looking at a behind-the-scenes shot, I realize that blast doors have a part that moves. Gonna simulate that.

So I made some blast door blades and put some mechanical wear on them so they look like they might be about fitty years old..

Painted them metallic pewter. I like the way lights look when they reflect off metallic pewter, so this could be good later.

AND -oh yes- this 4-ft frame is going to have a 2-foot Death Star ominously looming in it. More on that next time!
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Just found this thread today. Gotta say, very impressed with what you've done! Really looks great!

Going in, I had no idea that set pieces were re-used so often. Now I see where wall panels are molded and re-used for multiple things, parts of ships are stockpiled and re-used, parts of droids are shared with control panels etc. Wow, I'm going to re-watch the first few Star Wars movies and see what I can pick out. You guys on this forum are fantastic!

If you watch ESB, you'll notice certain shapes and greeblies that are unique to that flick. Same goes for ROTJ. There's one particular bit that's used on Boushh, the Endor Troopers, Admiral Ackbar, the Biker Scouts and I'm sure a few more. It's almost like they told some prop intern to keep cranking out copies of bits until they ran outta material and then found ways to use them all.

That's one thing I love about the SW universe - the recycling.
Just one photo this time. I had to post this important milestone. I have the frame framed, and the background piece fits in. This thing must weigh 25 pounds. Just realized I will have to come up with a sturdy way to hang it on the wall.

There is still a lot of work left on this viewport...
(1) paint it all-gray
(2) pull the backer and attach the Death Star graphic
(3) add some stars (3 sizes) to the background. Most will sparkle, some will reflect light similar to the chair rail "glow"
(4) install the corner "sliding doors"
(5) hang it on the wall
(6) some kind of cool paint detail, probably dark gray somewhere
This is a close-up photo of my Death Star graphic applied to a background last night. I painted this surprisingly realistic-looking field of stars all around.

The stars were made with Scribbles 3D Fabric Paint 1oz Glittering Silver. It's a little pointy bottle like this: Scribbles 3D Fabric Paint 1oz Glitter Silver -- CreateForLess from Hobby Lobby store. To apply it, just keep tapping the bottle tip to the background, for like, one mind-numbing hour, and VOILA! NOW we will crush the rebellion with one swift stroke!
Last night while you were watching the ballgame, I finished building this viewport with Death Star. It is complete with a starry background.

Ho-hum, you see these every day. :unsure

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