Star Wars Ewok Actor Arrested After Exposing Himself in Public to Underage Girl


Well-Known Member
While I know some people would try to make light of the situation it's important to be respectful and mindful because a person was appallingly victimized here.
A Harry Potter and Star Wars actor has been convicted by a jury of indecently exposing himself to a teenage schoolgirl on a train. Nicholas Read, a celebrity dwarf who has appeared in a number of fantasy movie roles, touched himself in a lewd manner under a juggler's hat on his lap. The 40-year-old entertainer tilted the black bowler-style hat so only the 17-year-old victim sat next to him could see what he was doing. Read, of Wade Close, Cheadle, denied exposure, saying nothing untoward occurred on the 55-minute journey from London to Leicester, on October 16 last year. A jury unanimously convicted him at Leicester Crown Court yesterday. Recorder Richard Bond said: "It was deliberate and persistent and I saw how distressed the victim was as she had to re-live what the defendant did. "The aggravating feature is his 2004 previous conviction for indecent assault. It's either a short-term in custody or a suspended sentence with a requirement for treatment for his problem, which is his desire to do terrible things to girls."

Read will now have to enlist on a sex offender register.

Read was arrested on arrival at Sheffield and denied any wrongdoing. He said he was listening to his iPod on the journey with his hands either on top of his hat, or underneath it, and nothing remotely sexual happened. He said he was "merry" after drinking half a bottle of gin earlier that day, while judging a croquet competition. Read has been in the entertainment industry since childhood. He was a Gringotts goblin in the 2000 film Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone, and an Ewok Warrior in the 1982 Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

The jury was told he had a previous conviction for indecent assault in 2004 when, after a party with a Snow White panto cast, he "flaked out" on the stage manager's sofa. He later drunkenly climbed into bed with the sleeping stage manager and his girlfriend, and put the woman's hand on to his genitals.
Ewok Arrested After Exposing His Yub Nub in Public to Underage Girl - Topless Robot

Ewok and Harry Potter Goblin actor 'touched himself in front of teen girl' |
Wouldn't surprise me if they did. Well given his past run in with the cops it's hard to stay partial and they must have had good evidence. I sure never heard of him though. I think he needs to stay away from women and booze.
seem like he played the "Cartwheel Ewok"

When i first read this i thought it was Warwick davis
A Harry Potter and Star Wars actor has been convicted by a jury of indecently exposing himself to a teenage schoolgirl on a train.
"touched himself in a lewd manner under a juggler's hat on his lap. "

Under a juggler's hat!?!?!:lol

Just what does a juggler's hat look like or was that the name the hat was given for the article?
"touched himself in a lewd manner under a juggler's hat on his lap. "

Under a juggler's hat!?!?!:lol

Just what does a juggler's hat look like or was that the name the hat was given for the article?

Jugglers hat:
according to google
True. But it said "teenage", not underage.

I agree that's it's not on, but she must have been leading a rather sheltered life if she was traumatised by this at age 17 in this day and age.

I brought up my daughter to kick the person you know where if this ever happens ... and then to report him.
... I think this girl was very wise not to kick him you know where as all that would do is cost her a possible assault charge.

Over here, she'd be applauded not charged, and IMO, rightly so. But that's another discussion :)

There isn't much tolerance here to this sort of thing.
I must be callous, because this wouldn't traumatize me, it would be the source of a witty anecdote. "OMG, this midget was totally flogging it on the train today!!!"
She would likely be applauded here in the court of public opinion too but the law courts have to follow the law, and the law says you can only physically hit someone if you're defending yourself from physical danger.
There is no "he deserved what he got" defense for assault, the judge or magistrate might well take into account the circumstances when dishing out the sentence but she would still end up with a criminal record for the rest of her life.

As it is the guy did get what he deserved he got locked up and put on the sex offenders register. :thumbsup

:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

They wouldn't prosecute here though. Nothing to do with "he deserved what he got" in any legal eye-for-eye sense.

It would be chalked down to an "uncontrollable and understandable reaction on the spur of the moment", and left at that. It's in the law, and it is applied.

In Maltese it's literally "Is-sahna tal-mument" - the momentary heat.

We don't get many perverts trying anything funny in public here :lol

Technically, its the police who have the duty to prosecute. Coupled with the above, they'd chalk it down to self-defense though, and the perpetrator wouldn't dream of pressing charges.
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