Star Website Mockup


Well-Known Member Website Mockup

Hello all. First we would like to thank everyone who has contributed to our site.We are working on this site to catalog and have a place for other blueprints collectors to meet. We hope to build the largest online Star Trek collection of Blueprints.

At the moment we have over 150 Blueprint from all the tv series to movies and the Star Trek experience.

If you are a blueprint owner and would like tot contribute to the site, please contact me or my buddy Daryl

Daryl Phone: 1-661.979.8619 Email:
Joe - Phone: 1-646-577-8408 Email:

Here is the mockup of the site, please let me know what you think. I want the use to have the best experience on the site and we need your feedback to do that.

Joe and Daryl

Here is the mockup
Oh my God! BEAUTIFUL! :)

I don't have anything to contribute, but I will be a constant visitor, and recommend it to others.
Wow. I am extremely excited about this project! I will visit often! I wish I had something to contribute! But I will gladly stop by A LOT!

Please please please keep us posted about your webpage!
Thanks All, I will keep you updated on this. If you want to help, just get the word out on the site. :D