Star Trek Nemesis Hero Phaser


Well-Known Member
I just thought I'd share my newest item in my collection. It's a hero phaser from Nemesis that was built up by our very own member, USS Endeav, using his own electronics and Myron's Nemesis kit. All I can say is WOW ... and that applies to both his craftmanship and his customer service. From the very moment he started it I had almost daily updates on its status. I think I'll let the pictures and video speak for themselves.

Features: working power meter with three firing sound effects (highest setting allows continuous fire), light up power coils with low power sound effects, super bright LED tip, rechargeable lithium-ion battery and a vibrating overload sequence with sound effects.

YouTube video







Gah! You should have warned me about looking directly into the emitter before you fired it.

But all retina burning aside, that's pretty awesome. I love that it opens up with the computer voice.
Goodness gracious me, that is absolutely beautiful!

I always liked the opening cowl of the dolphin phaser, and I am absolutely certain that yours is the best replica of that prop ever created!
I paid Myron for my nemesis phaser and tricorder kit a few weeks ago, and haven't heard anything from him since? I've sent him a few PMs and emails, but no reply :(
Very nice, man. The only thing I don't like about it is the voice, but the electronics are awesome.
I hope so, he's always been really good answering my emails and pms, no matter how stupid my questions are!! But yeah, payment went through, and not a sound from him, even when I emailed asking that for a confirmation that he had recieved the payment and the delivery address.
Very nice, man. The only thing I don't like about it is the voice, but the electronics are awesome.

Just for you---I'd remove her voice. :love

Someone's always gotta be different!

I hope so, he's always been really good answering my emails and pms, no matter how stupid my questions are!! But yeah, payment went through, and not a sound from him, even when I emailed asking that for a confirmation that he had recieved the payment and the delivery address.

Don't fret---I doubt he's anything but busy. Probably stuck in a mold somewhere.... :lol Just wait for him to get free....
I paid Myron for my nemesis phaser and tricorder kit a few weeks ago, and haven't heard anything from him since? I've sent him a few PMs and emails, but no reply :(

I'm sure he'll come through. I've had nothing but good experience with him.

Very nice, man. The only thing I don't like about it is the voice, but the electronics are awesome.

I like the voice. I think it's a great touch. Although, I realize it may not be everyone's cup of tea.
looks a hell of a lot like one of those digital thermometers i stick in my kid's ear with the tip replaced by a mouth piece of a plastic flute or something. am i close? please don't take offence or anything if i'm way off, its just now that i'm on this forum i'm seeing props in a whole new light and the way things are made are pretty ingenious when you stop to think about it :)
Thanks to everyone posting...Myron made a very nice kit....his kit and an inspiration from an old friend brought this idea to life.

You can also advance the power setting faster just by keeping the up/down button depressed. This way you can overload in 2 seconds or reach the kill setting in 2 seconds or less...should The Jem'Hadar be hot on your trail!

This phaser design has been a favourite since the 5 seconds of air time it had 6 years ago and I go around stunning my wife with it---frequently!