Star Trek Into Darkness (Pre-release)


You don't honestly considered yourself in the same league as DC Fontana because you wrote a fan fiction Trek story (which wasn't even an original but a re-write) when you were a pre-teen?

Do you actually expect to be taken seriously from now on? Or are ya just trolling?

Please stop trolling.

:confused What does that have to do....never mind.

Someone was quick to label 'fanfic' as nothing of importance, yet a well known Star Trek writer wrote an episode for a fan series. That's what it has to do with it. Just throwing a little respect to the fan community who just wants to have fun with Star Trek.
Someone was quick to label 'fanfic' as nothing of importance, yet a well known Star Trek writer wrote an episode for a fan series. That's what it has to do with it. Just throwing a little respect to the fan community who just wants to have fun with Star Trek.

So you are serious. I thought you were just putting us on....Comparing fan fiction to people who actually write for a living for shows like STAR TREK strains credibility, and you had some in this conversation..until now. :eek
No. When it came to money, Gene not only wanted his share of Star Trek, he wanted other people's share to. If you look up the original Star Trek theme, it lists Alexander Courage and Gene Roddenberry as the two people who created it. What part of the original theme contains Roddenberry's contributions? Nothing. You see, Gene wrote lyrics for the theme even though he never intended to use any of it. Why? Because by doing so he would get half of the theme's royalties and a credit as the creator of the theme.
Pretty much the same reason he rewrote many of the scripts by other writers- not so he could "improve" them, but because he could claim half of the paycheck.

The same reason he created the IDIC medallion- so he could have another trinket to sell through Lincoln Enterprises.
Do you actually expect to be taken seriously from now on? Or are ya just trolling?

Well, I'm sorry you mistook what I wrote to mean that I have written legitimate Star Trek stories when I was simply stating that like the writers and myself, Star Trek is in fact written by humans. Since you weren't taking the discussion seriously, I decided not to take you seriously with something both light hearted and true. I did rewrite a lot of Star Trek stories because I enjoyed making "what if" moments as 10 year old child. And the ridiculous part? Some here are actually taking that seriously! Yeah, call out the ten year old kid who's just trying to enjoy himself that he's writing his own fanfic.

So you are serious. I thought you were just putting us on....Comparing fan fiction to people who actually write for a living for shows like STAR TREK strains credibility, and you had some in this conversation..until now. :eek

Funny story.
I actually wrote my fair share of STAR TREK fiction when I was a teen, but still fail to see how it is germane to this conversation. I really wish we could return to discussing the new STAR TREK film a bit more directly and leave this esoteric STAR TREK navel gazing to a different thread.
Well, I'm sorry you mistook what I wrote to mean that I have written legitimate Star Trek stories when I was simply stating that like the writers and myself, Star Trek is in fact written by humans.

The way you wrote your statement was done in such a way as to impress someone into believing that you wrote "for" Star Trek. The key word was "worked." Most people associate "work" with "professional."

Since you weren't taking the discussion seriously, I decided not to take you seriously with something both light hearted and true.

Please remind me of where I wasn't taking this seriously BEFORE you posted that you re-wrote Generations as a child.

I did rewrite a lot of Star Trek stories because I enjoyed making "what if" moments as 10 year old child. And the ridiculous part? Some here are actually taking that seriously! Yeah, call out the ten year old kid who's just trying to enjoy himself that he's writing his own fanfic.

You are certainly not ten years old anymore yes? So I wasn't calling out a ten year old right? Or do you still believe you are that 10 year old boy?

Please stop trolling.

I don't think he is trolling. Many of the comments have had an interesting viewpoint. But this last bit is simply absurd. Sharpen up.

Nothing absurd about fans writing their own Star Trek stories and actually getting them purchased and used for actual episodes.
If Playmates continues to make the toys (And god I hope they don't), part of me is hoping that they'll make their Enterprise toy water proof so kids don't potentially destroy the inner electronics. I know if I was a kid seeing the Enterprise rising out of the ocean, I'd be dunking that sucker in a pool for a long time.

Hehe. Maybe I'll make a video of whatever Enterprise toy that's produced rising out of a bubble bath.
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He's either trolling, or trying to win via reducto ad absurdum.

Ha. Naw, I'm not trying to troll. I'm simply a viewer with an opinion who somehow managed to get Burton to take issues about my childhood.

On the subject of the new film, I am quite envious and glad of the fan who will be seeing the film early. I would assume he will be shown the movie in a rough cut form since it's still months away from release. I can guarantee you that wouldn't disappoint me in the slightest. To be able to watch rough cut version of any big budget movie with incomplete visual effects and scenes that might be removed from the final product would be an awesome experience.
Ha. Naw, I'm not trying to troll. I'm simply a viewer with an opinion who somehow managed to get Burton to take issues about my childhood.

On the subject of the new film, I am quite envious and glad of the fan who will be seeing the film early. I would assume he will be shown the movie in a rough cut form since it's still months away from release. I can guarantee you that wouldn't disappoint me in the slightest. To be able to watch rough cut version of any big budget movie with incomplete visual effects and scenes that might be removed from the final product would be an awesome experience.

Your childhood had nothing to do with it, it was your vague, inflated statements that read as if you were claiming a writing credit for Generations.
Your childhood had nothing to do with it, it was your vague, inflated statements that read as if you were claiming a writing credit for Generations.

Well, when you get right down to it, Generations does feel like it was written by a 10 year old.

Oh, oh! How come we haven't seen the Enterprise B yet? And what about those two klingon ladies who liked to show off their boobs? I want to see more of them! And we'll have a scene with Kirk and Picard riding horses, because I like horses, and Kirk will be buried under rocks like the time I buried my Kirk action figure under pebbles on the playground at school! And you know how the Enterprise's circle area looks like a frisbee? Let's have it crash like an actual frisbee! And the best part? There will be ALIENS toys in it! This is so awesome!
Alright, I'm drawing a line.


Only those who want to stick to discussing the new Star Trek movie can cross. Anyone else who wants to talk other things Star Trek can create it in new forum post, or if you want to talk about just me, I will be happy to be your Pinnata in the off-topic section. Now, back to the film.

Science Diagnostic: Analyzing Star Trek Into Darkness IMAX Preview

What do you think? I've always wondered about salt water corrosion. How do submarines tackle it?
Well, when you get right down to it, Generations does feel like it was written by a 10 year old.

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