Star Trek Into Darkness (Pre-release)

The ship crashing into the water looks like it has nacelles sort of like the Enterprise E or Equinox or something.

It's also obviously a much smaller ship, the Enterprise is a freakin' half mile long. :rolleyes

Anyway crashing a starship into San Francisco Bay is really terrifying because of the resultant matter-antimatter explosion that will take out the entire county. My guess is that this never comes up in the film tho. :sleep

I notice the badge has changed to a more TOS-movie era one, and the uniform looks heavily influenced by the 'monster maroon'. Still looks like lens-flare city though.

More TMP than TWOK style. The delta shield with a hollowed circle and the gray style uniform is definitely TMP.

Maybe Benedict is playing V'Ger.
Maybe Benedict is playing V'Ger.

Now there's an interesting thought...Consider it seriously for a moment. Decker merged with V'Ger and they became some sort of higher life form. Who's to say that higher life form isn't capeable of jumping from one reality to another and took a dislike the the Abrams-verse the same way some of you seem to have.
My current theory: Into Darkness sets it up, and movie 3 will be Khan.

I mean why the hell not. Kill Spock while you're at it. :rolleyes
I'll watch the trailer when I get home. Thinking about it, I am now expecting that I may just like it. Benedict is a great actor and whatever villian he's playing, he'll do a great job in it. The rest of the cast have now gotten more comfortable with their roles. There seems to be more of an homage to TOS with the uniforms and insignia. And I know at least one of the script doctors who worked on writing it, and I trust him!

Looks like I'll still have to sit through STUPID LENSE FLARES though! We HATE them, get it JJ?

Also, am I the only one who would love a model of the new Enterprise? I don't hate it at all, in fact, I quite like it!
I'm thinking its a distraction ploy. I bet he's playing a well known TOS villian, and this is to get us off of the trail. Two years ago an insider told me, not who he was, but that it was the return of a familiar character.
JJ admitted that he went overboard with the lens flares last time, so I expect it to be toned down this time.

The Enterprise nacelles look close together in that short clip in the new trailer, same as before. The deflector dish looks damaged, and is pointing down to the lower left.
Click the play button on the Into Darkness banner for an interview video.

Cumberbatch is terrorist John Harrison and Alice Eve is Dr. Carol Marcus.

Movie Reviews, Trailers, Interviews, Wikis & Posters for Movies - IGN

This was discussed like two pages ago. He likely is a character who has that name but it's likely going to change in film to a name we know. We know he is playing a TOS canon character already.
I saw the 9min. IMAX trailer today in front of The Hobbit and two things are clear. One, the movie looks to be great fun. Two, the Enterprise has been scaled up to MASSIVE super size.
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