Staff of RA...take THREE


Master Member
RELICMAKER has made an AMAZING RA pendent, and is offering the BAR version.

For discussion, I thought I would share this little gem.

A THIRD version?

Look how thick it is....



Before you Poo-poo it, here is a pic of WHERE it came from:


WHy so thick??
Not really sure.
A friend who worked at ILM, was given this by the guys in the mold shop.
He had a casting, (Loaned it to me to mold) as I wanted one, because I figured, considering the source, why not.

I figured the ILM guys who molded it, were in a hurry and just made the mold goofy causing the thickness.

When we got a tour of SKYWALKER Ranch, I was shocked to see the one in the cabinet, had the same thickness and also looked very resin like.

So...the one I was loaned, was thick. The casting I have pictures, I just did for this thread, and it has a a tiny bit of flash on it, but its pretty thin.

Thought I would share.

It looks like a probable mold issue, as the original headpiece isn't that thick, I think? You can see that the outside trim doesn't marry up. Interesting.

Having said that, the details on the headpiece look really great.

The bottom section is interesting too, as someone has clearly sculpted or built into the mold a mini stand, so the piece can stand upright on display.

Thanks for sharing the pics, good stuff there!
Do me a favor, measure it from side to side. I have seen another one of these resin cast headpieces and they tend to be about 1/8th inch small all around.

The one at the Ranch is plated and it doesn't have the sculpted base but this is certainly another interesting conundrum to be sure!



Cheers for sharing..


Do me a favor, measure it from side to side. I have seen another one of these resin cast headpieces and they tend to be about 1/8th inch small all around.

3.25 across

I have no doubt.
The one pictured there, isnt the one that was there when we visited.

That one shown above is skinny, and the base on the one we have was molded onto it. Maybe it was the STUNT one that actually went on top of the Staff?
Not sure, Ill dig out our pics. Not sure we got any. The pic I post Moe found on the WWW.
He was with me when we visited.
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Maybe it was the STUNT one that actually went on top of the Staff?
I don't believe that's the case either, as there are screen-caps that show it's actually the Raven Bar piece on top of the staff (at least, in the close-ups on film).
3.25 across

I have no doubt.
The one pictured there, isnt the one that was there when we visited.

Very interesting that..

Its fair to say that I'm there regularly and although I admit that I don't look at the showcases every time, I wasn't aware that it had ever been changed.

I have other pix of it but should say that those pictures were taken about 4 years apart..

Interesting indeed…..


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Well....definitely a fun discussion point.

Even though I know it came from Guys from the ILM model shop.

For all we know....they got it on EBAY.
That piece came from the same place as wherever Jedififes came from. If you look at the 2 recessed areas between the tops of the wings there are 2 squarish "boogers" or raised parts, one on each side and the one we got from Relicmaker has the same 2 boogers. Also on the bottom of the right wing at the recessed area there is an indented line that is on Jedififes also. The difference is the base. I'm guessing it is a prototype for adapting the piece to fit on the staff. Very nice find.
No doubt that resin Headpiece is from an original Headpiece, but was just molded and cast poorly, resulting in a very thick parting line and shrinkage.:rolleyes
These have been floating around for years and was the base for most of the pooly casted headpieces found on Ebay. You can always see the faint line where someone ground down the base and re-sculpted the bottom of the tail feathers. Some are decent, most are crap. It does though, contain all of the "tells" from the headpiece we see in the LFL Archives book so it is a decendent of it to be sure.

Exactly what year and month were you there at the ranch?

I have pics from that same set as you posted that were shared with me. Perhaps we can get some other pics of the headpiece you claim was in the cabinet when you visited? Although, out of all the pics I've seen of that cabinet over the years I've never seen the headpiece you posted being in it.

A conundrum? Get to the bottom of it? :lol
I'm not so sure about the headpiece, but I love that New England Garrison shirt. "Got ahmah?" That's too funny!

Since 2 part molds have those 'male' and 'female' bumps to line up the 2 halves, maybe you could mold it and then plane down the mold side with the female holes like 1/16 or something so when cast it would be thinner without having to cut 2 in half and remold 3rd gen.
Maybe it's thicker because it was made when the Headpiece originally was supposed to be in two parts?????

Not this headpiece.

What is most likely is that someone had seperate castings of each side, then glued them together and then molded and cast that.