ST III destroyed Enterprise

Heres a few pics of a destroyed E im doing. just started to apply the black base for the burned effect, still need to refine it. also add the some white and silver for the sparking look that it has on the studio model.

Heres a few of the construction and final painting.

thanks Al





That looks great.

Brings back memories of when I first saw that scene in the theater, I couldn't believe the Enterprise was gone.
My God! What have you done?! :eek

What you had to do. What you always do. :cool

BTW you probably have 'em already, but let me know if you need my archive of pics I shot at Christies of the destroyed 6 footer.


The entire Bridge module should probably be gone, incidentally... it's the first thing that blows up.

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thanks guys,

To explain a little more, it's not an exact representation. I loosely based it on the Christies version, I don't try to make 100 percent, I like to get the basic look and have fun with it. So hope you like it for what it is.

I like your version better actually, it looks like the many levels of a real vessel. The bridge area is sweet looking in my book.

Dave :)
I like your version better actually, it looks like the many levels of a real vessel. The bridge area is sweet looking in my book.

Dave :)

Thanks guys.

Dave. i think it looks better with actual decks to, as opposed to what ever they did in the studio model. i love the enterprise i just think it needed to look more like an actual ship, with passage ways and compartments.
amazing job :thumbsup

love the detail you gave to the individual decks

did you use a model for the base ship or was it completely scratch built?