Man-o-man, I can't wait until Steve can start filling new orders! I have my koolshade standing by.
Quick question--did the LEDs and the holders come with the kit or did your client provide them?
My Standard TIE came with the LEDs and holders.
Darth, that kit came with the armature correct? Could I get a measurement from you? My fuselage halves don't sit tight ,so I was thinking of replacing it,though that would be a waste. I suppose I could also just wrap styrene between the alignment slots.
Can I assume you are going to light this guy up?
I received them with everything else from my client.
Sorry, that's all I know?:$
Cool, that's a slick idea. Looking forward to progress pics!
Thanks and me too!:lol
Interesting yes.... make sure you let folks know its not neccesary. My armeture was made to match the studio version.
Cool to see where this goes
I like the weight on Steve's machined armature. Looks just like the original and don't have to add squat to it except kit parts. Looks cool and all, but adding styrene would make me insane.