Suggestion Sponsoring member...just a thought.


Sr Member
I'm not sure if this has ever been suggested or if it's even allowed, but here goes. I have no idea how much it costs to keep the site up nor how much revenue is raised by the banner ads.

Here's my idea would the membership here mind donating a small amount on a quarterly, semi-annual or yearly basis to help offset the costs? I'm a supporting member over on TMP but won't be re-upping when my membership expires in Jan as I don't really get anything from the site. I haven't bought or painted any minis for months now.

I don't know if we want to have a member only "lounge" maybe just the RPF logo next to the membername to show sponsorship.

Like I said it's just an what do you think??
Other places do this, i suport several boards. sounds good to me ( but am a new guy here....)

Hi welcome to the RPF, you've come to the right place. They're a great bunch here.

Here's what I was thinking in the way of member fees

One Year $25

Six Months $13

Three Months $7

Again this is an open idea and welcome comments, suggestions from everyone.
Another new member here. I certainly wouldn't object to the sort of fees (donations?) you're talking about. I think it's a good idea.
While this is certainly a good and very generous idea, we would prefer that our members donate their time, by contributing more great content to the site, than by donating money.

We will keep this idea on the backburner as there might be a place for it in the future, but we would prefer to offer all of the sites services to you, the members, without any type of fee.
While this is certainly a good and very generous idea, we would prefer that our members donate their time, by contributing more great content to the site, than by donating money.

We will keep this idea on the backburner as there might be a place for it in the future, but we would prefer to offer all of the sites services to you, the members, without any type of fee.

Oops my bad:$. I've just read my original post and it comes across as if I was suggesting turning the RPF into a paid membership site. This couldn't be further from the truth. What I was trying (badly) to say was if people wanted to there would be a mechanism in place to accept donations to offset the costs of the site.

Sorry if I caused any confusion.
making donations

I didn't see any threads around for this. how do members make donations to the site? I can't make a large one but i'd like to try and give something.
Re: making donations

lol. thanks. I hate making threads that repeat but after a while its just easier.