Spider-man 1 pumpkin bomb: Finished page 5


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Spider-man 1 pumpkin bomb: Finished page 3

I thought I read here a while back a post about how to make a green goblin pumpkin bomb replica, but I can't find anything on it. If anyone has any info they could give me on this topic that would be great.
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<div class='quotetop'>(dj_krylon @ May 19 2006, 04:01 PM) [snapback]1246826[/snapback]</div>
I thought I read here a while back a post about how to make a green boblin pumpkin bomb replica, but I can't find anything on it. If anyone has any info they could give me on this topic that would be great.

yeah, same. :)
I had sold some.
I have original castings from the movie that I molded.

Molds are here somewhere....
There was never an instruction on how to make them. Just the parts to do it.
do you have any castings left??

been wanting one of those for awhile
pm me if you have one to offer~

or if someone has an original pm me as well

How many of the Unobtanium versions were ever delivered? I always liked those but never saw one in person.
supposedly around half of the ones that were ordered
so that would mean in the 250-300 range
<div class='quotetop'>(BrundelFly @ May 20 2006, 02:15 AM) [snapback]1247234[/snapback]</div>
I had sold some.
I have original castings from the movie that I molded.

Molds are here somewhere....
There was never an instruction on how to make them. Just the parts to do it.

pm sent
<div class='quotetop'>(BrundelFly @ May 20 2006, 01:15 AM) [snapback]1247234[/snapback]</div>
There was never an instruction on how to make them. Just the parts to do it.

Do you remember what parts they used?
I thought that Kotobukiya was also coming out with those
Well I think I am going to try and build one based on things I have found on the web. Does anyone have any measurements they might be able to give me. Thanks
Does anyone have any pics of the bottom of the pumpkin bomb. Screen caps, anything would be great.
I would also be extremely, 100% interested in obtaining one of these castings....

Also, any news on the Kotobukiya Pumpkin Bomb?