
Ooo. I'm really getting some "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" vibes with this location. Hopefully this will turn out better than Bond's dealings with Blofeld from 007 Legends.

Dang. Hearing actual notes from "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" score, I'm surprised my vibes turned out to be more than just a coincidence!
Don't care what anybody says or thinks I think Craig is perfect as Bond and this looks like another great Bond flick~this is what's Fleming's character SHOULD be and not that comic book/inspector gadget crap.
Do you mean the ribbed chest/smooth arms one? I think that's a Tom Ford jacket.

Yeah that's the one. You're right on it being a Tom Ford. Hopefully there's a much cheaper, very similar looking alternative out there because it's a great looking jacket.
The theme is now on Spotify. Ugh. Worst one in a while. The orchestration is great but Smith's castrati vocal ruins it.
The theme is now on Spotify. Ugh. Worst one in a while. The orchestration is great but Smith's castrati vocal ruins it.

Doesn't feel Bond at all.
Should have just used Adele again instead of this guy might have helped some. Makes me wonder WTF they are thinking.
Are they for real? Sounds like a first round contestant booted from American Idol. Terrible!!!!!

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That theme wasn't that bad, it wasn't great either. It could work as a Bond theme depending on the mood of Spectre, if it's a kind of melancholy sort of movie then this theme is perfect, if it's more upbeat action/adventure then this song is totally wrong, it's just too sad sounding.

As far as modern Bond themes go, here's a great one:

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And what is with that tone deaf falsetto? What a dreary song. Please do not let this be indicative of the movie itself.
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