
We have went from Adele to nails on a chalk board. Disappointing. The terrible voice and fifth grade lyrics are fine with me, but the instrumental actually made my teeth hurt.

I honestly dread seeing this in the theater now.. going to have to pack ear plugs I guess.

EDIT: The version I heard on youtube was a lot worse than the official version which I just heard. The instrumental is no where near as bad as on the one I heard so I take back what I said.... It has gone from "intolerable" to "meh."
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I wish they could change this in time, but I assume it's not something that can't be fixed now despite the cold reception.
I'm not going to warm up to it that's for sure. I guess just try to enjoy the visuals. Seriously ear plugs is not a bad idea! LOL
I wish they could change this in time, but I assume it's not something that can't be fixed now despite the cold reception.
I'm not going to warm up to it that's for sure. I guess just try to enjoy the visuals. Seriously ear plugs is not a bad idea! LOL


This is the one I first listened to.... Listen through a pair of head phones and you won't ever need ear plugs again! Who needs hearing anyways right? :lol
We may have a bit of an "even-odd" issue here. I loved "You Know My Name" and "Skyfall", but the opening song for Quantum of Solace is utterly forgettable. Everyone keeps mentioning Adele, but I wouldn't mind Chris Cornell back, either. Hell, I'd love to see what David Bowie and Brian Eno would do with a Bond theme. What I want most, though, and keep not getting is a return of this old-guard John Barry riff:

It hasn't been in any of the Craig Bond films at all, and only snippets of it have been used since Moonraker. I loved them bringing back the venerable "James Bond Theme" in Skyfall, but I still miss this one...

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Yeah, good ears Dbuck.

His falsetto isn't necessarily "tone deaf"

But it is off tonally for sure.

He's trying to sound like a "female" ranged singer in that high ranged part.

He's a very talented singer...

But it IS off putting...

Not liking it as a bond theme.

At all.

And what is with that tone deaf falsetto? What a dreary song. Please do not let this be indicative of the movie itself.
Chris Cornell just released a new album around a week ago I believe. I heard one of the songs on the radio and my first though was actually if he'd be doing the Bond theme again.

He just has such a great voice for it. You Know My Name has been in my phone's playlist since I saw the movie. :lol

I don't think the poor choice of theme will reflect the movie. Craig and Christoph Waltz are truly two of my favorite actors and Sam Mendes did an amazing job directing Skyfall IMO. . I can't wait to see it all come together on screen.
That was a really great trailer. I watched it, and have no clue what is going on. I hate trailers that give too much away.

Christoph Waltz is still a favorite actor of mine and he certainly seems like he will impress in this film as well.

Side note, I can't wait for the research ninjas on here to find info on that skull mask Craig wears in this. It looks super cool.
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I haven't liked a Craig Bond movie since Casino Royale. So I'm not especially optimistic about SPECTRE. Trailers can be very deceiving, but I must say, this film, particularly after watching this final trailer, looks badass!

I think Monica Belluci is too old for a bond girl, but the blonde Bond girl is hot! And she has a timeless European look that would make her fit right into an old Connery Bond flick from the '60s.

Finally, I will say this. A Bond film is only as good as its villain. And Christoph Waltz seems like he was born to play a Bond villain. He's an extraordinary actor, and that "Why have you come?" exchange in the final trailer between him and Bond is a chilling throwback to Auric Goldfinger's "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die." line.

Cautiously optimistic.
monica is a bond girl that has long been overlooked so dont mind it one bit. Atleast its better then when i found out teri hatcher was gonna be one.

Quantum was a let down indeed but they redeemed themselves with skyfall and hopefully they will continue to do so now with spectre. Just wondering is this now gonna be Daniel's last bond film?
monica is a bond girl that has long been overlooked so dont mind it one bit. Atleast its better then when i found out teri hatcher was gonna be one.

Quantum was a let down indeed but they redeemed themselves with skyfall and hopefully they will continue to do so now with spectre. Just wondering is this now gonna be Daniel's last bond film?

I haven't seen SPECTRE yet, so I can't say for sure, but I'd be willing to bet that Monica Bellucci will be a way better Bond girl than Teri Hatcher or Denise Richards. So it's not that I'm anti-Monica, I just wish they had cast her 15 years ago, around the time she became known in America with her film Malena. She's 50 now, and as beautiful a woman as she still is, it is obvious she has had work done, and I'm sorry, but no Bond girl should have a face and lips loaded with botox. Fifty is *eleven* years older than the previous oldest Bond girl: Honor Blackman's ***** Galore. Well, if any 50-year old woman can pull it off, it would be Monica Bellucci. But until I see it, I'm skeptical.

Even if SPECTRE is great, I hope this is Craig's last turn at Bond. I still have the same problem with Craig today that I did when he was first cast for Casino Royale: he looks Russian. He looks eastern European. Not like a Brit. I try to put it out of my mind, but it's impossible.

Of course looking British does not alone make a good Bond actor. Brosnan looks more British than Craig, but Brosnan was a dreadful--weak, delicate, pathetic--Bond. I love Craig's cold, steely demeanor...I just wish he didn't look so much like a Bond villain!

The Wook
Jeez, guys, the Sam Smith Spectre song isn't that bad. Sure it's a terrible Bond theme, but if it wasn't attached to the film, it'd be a solid track from a talented artist.

I still have the same problem with Craig today that I did when he was first cast for Casino Royale: he looks Russian. He looks eastern European. Not like a Brit. I try to put it out of my mind, but it's impossible.

Just keep telling yourself that he is, in fact, a brit whether he looks it or not.

Ugh. The dullest Bond movie title song of all time.
Thankfully, aside from the opening and ending credits, the song will have no impact on the movie itself.

But what *does* impact a Bond movie, significantly, is the use of the traditional Bond theme music. It has been used exquisitely in films like Goldfinger and Live and Let Die. But in all of the Bond movies in recent years, the Bond music is conspicuously under-utilized in the films. Oh, they may play it over a huge action scene or two, but by then, the music seems like an afterthought. No, the Bond theme music should appear periodically throughout the film, even, and especially, in scenes that aren't high-action, but are more subdued, and yet still tense scenes. Here is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Bond meeting Solitaire, from Live and Let Die:


Masterful. Truly masterful.

I really hope Spectre incorporates the traditional Bond theme music in this way. But I haven't seen it done in a long time, so I'm not optimistic.

The Wook
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