Spaceballs / EAGLE 5 Winnebago / License Plate Question (pic included)

Got to keep it screen accurate, misspellings and all. That's what was in the move, that's what it should be.

I love the plates Travis has recreated, such a great idea! I made a cool wall piece with some of my favorites. Keep adding on to the great selection!

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I say keep the mis-speeled INTERGALATIC word... or offer two versions in one kit. That way it would satisify everyone. Personally I try to be as screen accurate with my model building as possible. Any imperfections that are on screen I replicate. If I didn't have to redo that little imperfection because someone decided to "fix" the spelling error clearly seen in the movie, it would make my job as a perfectionistic modeller that much easier. So I say, if you're going to make a kit... and this would probably be a decal on the plate itself, offer two printed versions (one with the error and one without) that way, everyone is happy. Personally, when I am showing my models to friends, and they point out those little errors, I love the look on their faces when I tell them... "Honestly, it's like that in the movie! You can see for yourself..." and a couple of pauses later, sure enough, there it is!
Well, wow I never realized that and i have watched that movie about one hundred times (ok maybe not but i have seen it a lot) and as-far as the misspelled words i would keep them and include a note explaining that it is misspelled on purpose and perhaps you can find out why it is misspelled and include the story in the note. But still whatever way you go with this I love the idea!
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