Space Command Clipper Build

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I agree that would be really neat to see Steve in Space Command even if its just a bit part. Say something like Scotty or Neelix part would be cool Character for Steve to play.
Something like "Damn-It-Man, we have to have more thrust" and Steve says in your best Jack Nicholson voice' "Hey, I don't know what to tell ya about the power. Ya might wanna get out and push!"

Thanks guys I do have a small part with Rosie. I don't know if I'll have lines or not. I need to remind these guys I've played all kinds of small roles in films over the years from creature to aliens. And you can to by going to Space Command | Facebook and commenting that you'd like to see Rosie and I as bit characters or an old tough engineer on SC. You can make a difference.


Thanks men!


I'm still trying to figure out how big the Clipper is supposed to be. The lack of windows makes me think it's smaller than I had originally thought.
There's a cross-section on the kickstarter page. The ship is 3 decks high, in addition to the 'skate-bay' on the bottom.

I really think they should have put a couple of porthole's on her, the plane-motif is a little too strong with nothing else to reference.
Steve, there is nothing better than taking a break, a full cup of coffee and a cookie at the ready and watching another chapter of the awesome space clipper build. Currently I am working on a budget estimate for a small tv movie, a thriller around a medieval urban legend, which may be the only movie work I´ll do this year because of the baby and wife, and I am watching Space Command with a tear in my eye because I´ll very likely won´t ever get to work on such a fun project like Space Command :cry But hey, if it generates money, all work is good work ;)
Seeing how much you enjoy doing this is really uplifting, so keep them vids coming. Can´t wait to see the final result! Curse you Doug Drexler who is partially responsible for my choice to get into movies at all! Curse you, Doug! ;)
Like the new format idea! I think everyone will enjoy seeing all the projects you are working on in one video. I know I will.
Thanks guys and the Star Grazer down the road will be part of it! ;)

Glad to hear you will do some work on a TV show Daddy!

Ya know? Honestly I was never really enamored with this design when I first saw it, but I gotta say, Steve, seeing a physical model and the way light plays with it - I love it now! You've done an amazing job thus far, can't wait to see paint on it!
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