space 1999


New Member
somebody was recently looking to contact Kerry Endacotte regarding Space 1999 costumes have got the details, dont know the guy though
P.M. me

hope this is of help?

My name is Kerry Endacotte. Someone posted my name with reguards Space 1999 in 2005. I have just read the post that someone wanted me? Okay 5 years ago and I have now joined this forum. If Armourdoug is still arround send me a post, comment and i'll try answer what or any other wanted to ask that time ago

KerryEndacotte(aka Spacesuit)
One of my favorite shows back in the day. Do you have any pics of your costumes? I'd love to see some!
Re: space 1999:Costumes

There are olde photo's early 2000's have'nt made anything since them but am considering it. I'm not the most Hal9000(Computer litterate) so might take me a while to post photo's. Do you need a flixa account to be able to load photo's? Told you not most litterate person in the world

Re: space 1999:Costumes

Don't worry with me around you are in good company.

I still say these computers are a form of witchcraft! :lol

Welcome aboard and I am sure you will get some questions.

I'm not the most Hal9000(Computer litterate) so might take me a while to post photo's. Do you need a flixa account to be able to load photo's? Told you not most litterate person in the world

Richies Armour

I'll have assume you can see all when i've not yet check Facebook!? But yes made the entire suit. Comlock, Holster, StunGun made by another Maya Dress made by Ex and a couple of uniforms.

Luke Warmwater

No not me! I favor the ridged collor over the flat one the helmet sits in, that became preverlant after and during 1st Episode. I'm a costume maker over a modeller and have no Belstar Helmet


Photobucket 1999 folder

Luke warmwater

Thats one of ours. I did the helmet and helped with the rest of the hard parts. Darthwalls did the rest of the soft parts.

Is there ANYONE out there who specializes in making Space: 1999 costume replicas? I'm hoping to have one made, preferably by someone in the US.