Soylent Green ID card


Sr Member
Someone already try to make a replica of the police ID card used in the movie ?

Any idea about the famous "D" banknote ? It looks blue ... :rolleyes
I'd like to see some items from this movie also! I have one of the wafers from the movie and need something to display it with it.
Well, I'm a-renting this via iTunes right now, so we'll all get some caps in a day or two.

If they remade this today, the Soyent Green™ corporation would be very PR-friendly, and their slogan would be "Soylent Green is people!" :rolleyes


I have a soylent green can label and I believe it was done by one of the people here on the RPF.

LOL...Yes...I made that one. Others have also duplicated that label but that's my pic of it in my cupboard. Funny story...I kepy it there since I made it awhile back and never told my wife it was there. Recently, i saw it was gone!!! I asked the wife about it. She said she didn't remember where she got it but it didn't sound appetizing so she threw it out!!!
AAARRRGGGHHH!!! Good thing I had the file to make another...LOL
Recently, i saw it was gone!!! I asked the wife about it. She said she didn't remember where she got it but it didn't sound appetizing so she threw it out!!!

"But Honey!!! It's good... It's made out of People.":lol
Recently, i saw it was gone!!! I asked the wife about it. She said she didn't remember where she got it but it didn't sound appetizing so she threw it out!!!

Probably from the time it was on sale 10 cans for $10 at Pathmark. :rolleyes
I've tentatively identified the Soylent Green money in the Standard Catalog of Motion Picture, Television, Stage and Advertising Prop Money (2005) by Fred Reed. Check page 746. Rarity/Value: 2, street value $2-$5 per note, according to Mr. Reed.
