So if you were stuck on a couch, what DVD's would you want?


Master Member
So my buddy is having surgery Monday and will be laid up for about a week. If you were stuck on the couch, what DVDs would you want close by?

I would chug through some of the tv series on my list: The wire, deadwood, dexter, Dr. who, mad men.

If he hasnt seen it BSG
just about everything by Mel Brooks, all the Naked guns, the airplane movies, The dean martin show collection, the dean martin celebrity roast collection, 2010, bladerunner, Space 1999, UFO, Transformers cartoon, gi joe cartoon, thundercats, the Zeiram movies and anime.
Yeah, definitely some longer-form narratives. I'd add the U.K. Life on Mars to that list. The 2-part version of Red Cliffs is probably quite good (I only saw the abridged version). The last time I was convalescing, Encore had a James Bond movie marathon on, so I watched what I considered my "best of" films in that series.
Les Diaboliques (original version)
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
The Ninth Configuration
The Quiller Memorandum

Might take some really heavy stuff too. ;)
In addition to what's already been said...

LOTR trilogy
Looney Tunes
Star Wars
Lost - would be a blast to watch this in essentially one sitting :cool
Harry Potter series back to back, LOTR trilogy back to back, BTTF trilogy back to back, Star Wars saga back to back, Wolverine Origins the X Men trilogy back to back. Should do it for a week. If there's time, Twilight saga (trilogy, so far) back to back lol
I would add all the Pixar films to date...Toy Story Trilogy would be great to watch with my kids, ...also (in no particular order):

Highlander (the original)
Indiana Jones (1 thru 3 for sure...4th possibly, but only on a whim)
Terminator (1st one)
Iron Giant
The Pacific (along with BoB)
Enter The Dragon
Bourne Trilogy
High Noon (can't beat Coop)
....and if i had them, some silent Buster Keaton flicks - specifically The General, The Cameraman, and Steamboat Bill, Jr.

...just for a few titles
My Mystery Science Theater 3000 collection. That way I can watch bad movies and pretend I'm watching them with friends so I won't feel lonely.
My Mystery Science Theater 3000 collection. That way I can watch bad movies and pretend I'm watching them with friends so I won't feel lonely.


If laughter is the best medicine, that's a great way to heal up fast.
The original Star Wars trilogy and the first Back to the Future.

I'm not stuck on a coach, but my wife has Mr. Mom on a continuous loop on one of the TVs :unsure Surprising, it is actually growing on me and I can't stop watching it now :lol. Something about '80 comedies.