Slusho t-shirts at Comic-Con

I'm about to do a run....but haven't done them yet. Did you see someone selling them at SDCC?

I'm about to do a run....but haven't done them yet. Did you see someone selling them at SDCC?


No, they definitely weren't for sale, but supposedly some sort of promo item handed out at the JJ Abrams panel. They were on a scree-innacurate ash grey t-shirt.
Do you remember if the logo looked weathered? Did they have the sunshine like rays behind the cup? Do you remember if the rays went all around the back of the cup?

Sorry for the 20 questions :wacko :)

They were given out at the Paramount presentation in Hall H. (along with Ironman and Star Trek shirts)

As opposed to SSDesigner's, these are ash grey, and has the "you can't eat just six" on the back. And they're not my size :rolleyes

Kylash - JJ wasn't up there long talking about it, but he basically said: Not announcing the title now, and its not Godzilla, but "an American monster". So insted of a big dino stomping tokyo, its a big something else stomping NYC
Any idea WHY they're making such a fuss about this fake Slusho product? Am I the only one who thinks that the monster in the movie is going to be a giant rampaging Slusho creature (a la the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man)?! :lol