skin tones


New Member
Anybody got a link to a step by step guide for painting relistic skintones
what colors to use how to mix and what paints to use ect..oils or acrilics
was thinking of useing water based paint are these any good
What type of figure and what scale are you interested in?
1/1 scale are far more complex than smaller scales like 1/6 or smaller.

There are several tutorials on Youtube for doing realistic full sized figures although many that I have seen are for silicone.

Most of the garage kit painters used acrylics.
David Fisher has 2 DVDs out on building and painting garage kits that are very useful.
He started out mixing all his colors from Liquitex primaries using Raw & Burnt Siena and Umbers mixed together as well as white and black.
later I think he started using Freak Flex paints.
A lot of folks use the stuff found at Michael's like Apple Barrel and Deco Art.
Other folks use oil paints or layer them over acrylics.

Here are a few tutorials
Page on ethnic skin tones.

There are also several books that can be found through Amazon.

I might also suggest signing up over on the Club House forum, there are lots of very talented painters over there that are helpful and will even at times post tutorials.
Techniques will vary greatly, depending on scale.

1/35 figures can be done with 3 or 4 tonal variations, while 1:1 busts can have dozens.

The small scale figures there are lots of books and Tuts for those especially the Military stuff most found on Amazon.

Sheperd Paine's book on Dioramas covers painting small figures.
This one is mainly covering ACU Digital Camo but also covers doing the face.

Intresting to note that many of the miniature builders start with a black base coat and work their way up to the highlights where the larger scale tend to start in the middle tone over grey, white, red or silver primer (base coats).

A lot of the regular (plastic) modeling sites have figure sections that will sometimes cover painting assorted scales.
Miniatures also tend to be done in enamel or acrylic model paints like Testors, Humbrol, Polly S, Games Workshop, etc...
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