Size of Jedi Holocron? Anyone know?


Sr Member

I'm wanting to start drawing up the jedi holocron in CAD, and I was wondering if anyone knew the size of it? I remember it being posted a couple of years ago on the RPF, and I think it was around 10" heigh. Anyway, if anyone knows, please let me know. Thanks!
I´m sorry, but 10 inches sounds rather absurd to me.... I´ve seen many Holocrons in comic books and even the one Thomas made for his Clone Emperor suit, and it was roughly 4 inches (all measurements). I could be wrong, but it wasn´t any bigger than 5 inches, if I´m not mistaken.
The one really complex Holocron from the VD is supposed to be larger. I think the others are supposed to be just big enough to sit in your hand. I'm not 100% sure though.
There's a problem with the one in the Visual Dictionary... it's supposed to be only a few inches high, small enough to fit in your hand. But the prop they made for the book was much larger, so they could get all the detail into it. That prop was huge. Far too big to be an actual holocron.

What's disappointing is that all of the replicas I've seen have been equally huge. I don't think anyone's ever tried to make one sized the way it's supposed to be sized.
Thanks for the replies! Well, the Sith holocron was 8" wide.... so what do you think I should shoot for with this? If it's supposed to fit in your hand, maybe I should go for 4 to 5" wide? Thoughts?
I wouldnt think it could be more than 6 inches cubed. Five sounds right.

The Great Holocron (The almost-sphere) is bigger, I thought.
I took the pics out of the insider a couple (few) years ago and give the size of the stuff around it, height of the cabinet, etc. I couldn't scale it out 100% dead on, but 8" came out too small. I have it at 10". I also have it in CAD and have had it laser cut in the past.
I took the pics out of the insider a couple (few) years ago and give the size of the stuff around it, height of the cabinet, etc. I couldn't scale it out 100% dead on, but 8" came out too small. I have it at 10". I also have it in CAD and have had it laser cut in the past.

Looking at some more shots, 4" looks about right. I'll give that a shot and see how it looks. :D
I took the pics out of the insider a couple (few) years ago and give the size of the stuff around it, height of the cabinet, etc. I couldn't scale it out 100% dead on, but 8" came out too small. I have it at 10". I also have it in CAD and have had it laser cut in the past.

That's what I was referring to up above... that prop is far too large. They only made it that big for photo-shoot purposes, I don't think it was ever really meant to be that big in "real life".

I've been meaning to re-do this one in CGI one of these days. I made one way back when, but every stupid ijit on the 'net with a site called "The Sith Holocron" (about a million of 'em), stole the image, so it's doubtful I'll post too many pics online the next time around.
Well, I was replicating what the actual prop was, not what it was supposed to be.

Cutting the edge distance down to 4" will make for a very tightly compacted etch design. The whole pattern would have to fit inside a 2.75" (approx) triangle. Not that it wouldn't work...Just saying it'd be a tight design.

(I was staring at a 4" scaled version on the screen as I was writing this...)
OK, having had all 3 of the "real" holocrons in my hands, I'll give you the following. The Sith Holocron is 8" on a side. The Jedi Holo is 6" on a side, and the Great holo is 3-3/8" on a side.

You're welcome...

Vegas Vader...
OK, having had all 3 of the "real" holocrons in my hands, I'll give you the following. The Sith Holocron is 8" on a side. The Jedi Holo is 6" on a side, and the Great holo is 3-3/8" on a side.

You're welcome...

Vegas Vader...

Whoah, I'd like to hear that story....
How many sides does the Sith Holocron have? I seem to remember there being a debate whether it was 4 sided (a pyramid), or having just 3 upright faces (more of a tetrahedron). I thought it looked 4 sided, if I remember.

How many sides does the Sith Holocron have? I seem to remember there being a debate whether it was 4 sided (a pyramid), or having just 3 upright faces (more of a tetrahedron). I thought it looked 4 sided, if I remember.


the one in Tales of the Jedi is 4 sided.