Silicone Zombie mask


Well-Known Member
Hey all just thought i'd post a few pics of a silicone zombie mask i made earlier this year for the leeds zombie festival. made from platsil gel10 , sculpted in chavant over an alwa s5 urethane core and moulded in fibreglass before injection , the Hair is human and all punched.

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Very Cool
Beats the hell out of putting on makeup

Smooth on has a tutorial on making silicone
rubber masks out of their dragon skin silicone
Proof that zombie makeup/masks are an underrated art form. Nice job. Makes me want to eat some brains.

Thanks all the comments are realy appreciated. I'll dig out some pics of me wearing it and post them. there is some footage of the leeds zombie fest of me wearing it too i'll find it and post a link. my mate Hushmapuppy did a brilliant silicone zom mask too for the festival. we work together but he did a black guy zom. will have to get him to post pics too. for now though if you type hushmapuppy into youtube theres some footage there that Daz took at the festival. cheers again for the very kind comments.
Yeah it was sculpted over a hollow urethane lifecast of myself. one thing to keep in mind for silicone masks is to shave down the area around the lips and eyes to enable a tighter fit that results in better movement. these also were reinforced around stress areas with power net .
Hi Hushmapuppy here Prof Pieheads mate, he did a great job didnt he of his platgel zombie mask, well done lad! Just thought id post up my black zombie dude silicone platgel mask too, check out our you tube film of us wearing the mask s and gear to the Leeds Zombie film fest last april,
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Yeah there not bad I suppose...:lol

Just kidding fellas, you know I love 'em. Can I post Bob, erm Daz? Not a mask I know but thought I'd jump on the band wagon
Hey Guys,

Not technically a mask but he is silicone and a zombie. He is cast in Plat gel 10 with custon acrylic eyes made by me and custom acrylic teeth and tongue made by me and Hushmypuppy, he's a good lad. He is painted in Fuse FX silicone paints.

I am still working on him, I am slowly punching hair in and hopefully he will be done by the end of next week.


If you want me to move him Prof and Hush lemme know.

welclome aboard the thread guys always welcome . pete , daz, you ma homiez !! voice inthe crowd yup thats where he name is nicked from ... ahhhh another partial success... lol.
great to see dead daz/bob here dude . yeah the more silicone deadness the better.... by the way if anyone dont know Pete (xenochimp) makes the best eyeballs !!! making me some custom jobs for an animatronic creaure bust i'm making at the moment, the test eyes were mind blowing !!!!!! uber talented fella and a good mate is our Pete.