Sidkit Mal Gun Build Thread

I also applied the plum brown cold and it worked just fine.

I did heat up gun with hair dryer when I applied the Blue Wonder solution -- but the finish of Blue Wonder still easliy wore off.

I applied the plum brown directly over the blue wonder finish and it still worked.
I also applied the plum brown cold and it worked just fine.

I did heat up gun with hair dryer when I applied the Blue Wonder solution -- but the finish of Blue Wonder still easliy wore off.

I applied the plum brown directly over the blue wonder finish and it still worked.

How's durability of your combo? This is the route I'm likely taking, I just need to find the plum brown locally - been paying too much shipping these days!
Whelp, I'm pissed.

Over the past two days, I've spent almost 6 hours dremeling and sanding the barrel of this f'in thing and there are pits and seams that I just can't get rid of. So I figured, "Fine. I'm okay with that, let's clean this thing so I can blue it and get it built."


I got some 100% Acetone to clean it (per Sidkit's instructions) and the barrel ALONE is so filthy that I cleaned for another 2 hours, just on that. In fact, everything looked near-mirror perfect UNTIL I cleaned it all.

So I finally got the barrel "clean" (pfft, right) and went ahead with the bluing. It's even WORSE than I thought!

I'm just exasperated. The barrel on this is so f'ed up - the screwholes for the sight are all jacked up - totally misstapped or whatever.

Sorry to vent. Just mad is all. I guess I'm not cut out for this "advanced" finishing nonsense.
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I also had some slight seam lines and pitting on mine, but as the pistol looks a bit beat up and weathered on the show, I didn't fuss with it.

As far as having the gun pristine before application of bluing, I simply wiped mine down with acetone about twice -- and yes, t did make the white rag I was using for this dirty -- I suppose it has something to do with the metal the gun is made of.

I then used hair dryer to heat gun and apply the BLUE WONDER finish, which I applied several times, but successive applications didn't make the pistol any darker. I then sealed with the keBLUE WONDER developer -- did not change the color. The BLUE WONDER finish was nice, but a bit on the grey side with hints of bronze...and it easily rubbed off -- especially the areas near handlke that have a lot of contact with your hand when you hold the pistol.

I then used some Rub-N-Buff paints (Antique Gold and Autumn Gold) to highlight the pistol -- used sparingly applied with tip of finger or Q-tip.

I then heard how well the Plum Brown finish worked, picked a bottle of this up from local gun shop for $9, and applied cold directly over BLUE WONDER finish. Worked like a charm. The more I applied, the darker the finish became...I believe I even worked in a little Rub-N-Buff WITH the Plum Brown -- or maybe applied a little Rub-N-Buff and immediately smeared it around with the Plum Brown solution.

I will take more pics soon, but have posted pics of how it turned out a few posts ago -- I think it looks pretty good - AND the finish appears to be more durable than the Blue Wonder alone -- although I have seen a little of it wear off near wehere grips meet pistol frame and a few other high-touch points...but I plan on touching up with more Plum Brown so this shouldn't be an issue.

I also rubbed the entire gun down lightly with a little gun oil...not sure how well this helps as it has only been on ther pistol a day or so, but I figure it can't hurt.

I am wondering if the one shot of Mal holding pistol to camera -- where it appears to have a very glossy look -- if this wasn't the result of it being freshly oiled, as the oil does give it a shiny appearance when first applied.
I won't be abandoning the gold cleat-coat method any time soon. It may not actually be accurate, but it looks accurate enough and stands up to handling.
The finish I applied ( PS-11 followed by Perma-Blue ) is very durable but not as acurate as some would like it to be.

Boba Debt, any links to online sellers of the PS-11? I think I may have found it at as "pewter oxidizing bath" item code PS11 but I'm not sure if thats really it.
Hey Guys

Sid just emailed me and told me to tell everyone that these are NOT SOLD OUT.......

for some reason he said there is a rumor they are sold out, but hes only sold about 60 of um!
so quickly guys and gals! ORDER UP!
Hey Guys

Sid just emailed me and told me to tell everyone that these are NOT SOLD OUT.......

for some reason he said there is a rumor they are sold out, but hes only sold about 60 of um!
so quickly guys and gals! ORDER UP!

That's a surprise! I would have thought they'd have sold like hotcakes.

I've already started telling my mates about this kit, so expect to have some more of 'em sold soon.
I just started playing with the gun blues today :)

I'm using BC Perma Blue which works quite niceley with lots of applications.

Not so keen on the Plumb looks kinda rusty and the finish seems a little random.

Thinking of going with rub n buff straight onto the Perma Blue.
This is the final finish


I applied a single coat of PS-11 which gave it a inconsistent coppery look and then I applied Parma-Blue until this result was achieved.

It's not perfect but it is close and it's very durable.
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I can't really tell, due to the it black? Brown? Coppery? Bronzey? A combination?

I believe you mentioned that you applied it directly to the raw casts. Do you think the "inconsistent" look would be reduced/eliminated if we've already polished our metal?
It's black with coppery highlights

The only prep I did was polish the parts quickly with a brass brush.

However, I have used just about every combination of solutions (Perma-Blue, Plum Brown, PS-11) on a variety of surfaces (raw, polished, highly polished) and this is the best look that I could achieve.

Here's a different picture

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What sort of finish have you guys been going for on the gripframe?

Not sure whether to polish it up, or just clean & leave as is.
but this picture
is from the visual companion and it says in the book that these pictures were taken of the gun BEFORE it was weathered.
so even tho these are great pictures, it never appeared like this in the show
Yeah, and THIS one shows the triggerguard and frame to be much more silver than the bulk of the gun. My two cents.

Before, I was planning to go DrMcoy's route and do Blue Wonder, followed by Plum Brown. However, I was only going to apply Plum Brown to the body, and leave the grip/triggerguard with the Blue Wonder finish - I was hoping it would give a "weathered" look without turning it too brown/brass.

Now I'm considering Boba Debt's method...and I might do the PS-11 on the body (but not the frame), then Perma Blue the entire thing, including the frame. I want it more silvery than the rest of the gun, but I don't want it pristine.
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