Sideshow Fertility Idols: Get your credit cards ready!


Master Member
Just got my notice that they will start charging cards on Feruary 3rd. Just a heads up for all who ordered one. :)
Any word as to what they used as reference for their replica or what materials it will be made from?
Yes...yes they did. These will be made from a block of solid 14k gold.
At 189.99, that's quite a bargain! :lol
Yup, I got the same notice. I know there has been a lot of talk (good and bad) about them, but personally I'm looking forward to getting mine.

I got the UPS tracking info today.

I am suppose to get mine tomorrow (Thursday). I will post a review.
They got reference from the original stunt version of the prop...

Looks awesome!

Unfortunately no they didn't. This is a completely new sculpt based on a cros between the Hero idol and the "Archives" Idol (which is actually an altered idol that was presented to MR. Hata in Japan).

I just want the base and I will probably sell the idol unless it looks different. As it is right now, it is COMPLETELY WRONG!!!

This is from their website:


•Mat Falls
•Pascual Wowoe
•Bernardo Esquivel
•James Lareau
•Jared Chapman
•Joe Allard
•The Sideshow Collectibles Design and Development Team
I think it looks pretty good. I'll probably pick it up at some point, but not from Sideshow. Too pricey.

I love my little idol bank though too. That thing is one of the cheapest, coolest things i have sitting around. Even if it looks cheap, it just creates a wonderful atmosphere. I couldn't ask for a better piggy bank! :)
I cancelled mine. Besides the awesome base Sideshow isn't giving us anything we couldn't get here or off of Ebay with a little patience. I think in time the base will be worth more than the idol. I'd really love to know if this is Sideshows design team just not doing their homework or the LFL licensing team screwing up everything? I do want to believe it's the latter.
I just want the base, so I'll wait for it and the idol to go for super cheap on ebay, like everything else!:lol:thumbsup