Strange coincidence, I just finished my wife's Boushh too, it was an express build (just over 3 weeks (longer than I was hoping)) as we wanted her to be a member of the 501st before a big con we have here in OZ.
i used a cheapo voice changer which came with a aliens mask
i tuned the potoy up a bit on the voice changer i would say my wife sounds about 80% to as what it does in the film
Hyperdyne's board has a bounty hunter effect that's very good.
Here's a vid of my wife in her costume. Just after we completed it we posted a message to our 501st garrison. My wife hadn't practiced a Boushh voice at that time, she sounds much better now, much less like a Dalek :lol
Anyway, this will give you an idea of how the board sounds.....