Shoulders up armature in pepakura.

Graphic Jordan

Sr Member
Would someone be willing to model/make a very simple. Low poly count armature of a human male head sitting upon a set of shoulders with a neck of course, lol. But could the head have a circumference of 24"

I want to pep it and harden it for display purposes of my Iron Man helmet as well as a base to sculpt on.

It does not need to have defined lips, eyes, ears or nose.. just the rough shape one might have if they put a spandex.. Spiderman like piece over their head.

Feel free to PM or response via this thread.

Essentially it would look like this but it would include neck and tops of shoulders with a nice flat bottom for sitting on a shelf. A featureless face with subtle hint of nose, eyes, chin and ears.

And again 24" around head to represent my large melon.

maybe not much help...but someone on 405th had full size mannequins posted a while ago. you could just use from the shoulders up.
Silly question; why not just do a lifecast?

You can get alginate on ebay for about $7.00/lb and then plaster bandages are pretty cheap. Then you only need about $15.00 worth of expanding foam and you've got a copy of you that can sit on the shelf for years.

If you don't need the definition you can always sand down the nose and eyebrows afterward, but it's nice to have a copy of your head available just in case you need an accurate sculpting armature.
Could you elaborate more.. perhaps in an email?

Would I need an assistant? What about facial hair and hair on my head?


Silly question; why not just do a lifecast?

You can get alginate on ebay for about $7.00/lb and then plaster bandages are pretty cheap. Then you only need about $15.00 worth of expanding foam and you've got a copy of you that can sit on the shelf for years.

If you don't need the definition you can always sand down the nose and eyebrows afterward, but it's nice to have a copy of your head available just in case you need an accurate sculpting armature.
or even simpler mate - sean bradley on teh 405th had a tutorial abt cheap life casting - DUCT TAPE!!

- wear some loose-sih clothing that you dont particularly value anymore
- cling wrap the part you want to use - on my head, I got a wig net and cut holes to breath through
- get an assistant eg my case a VERY indulgent wife
- duct tape round the part you want to mold around - abt 3-5 rounds I would say
- carefully cut the back and peel off
- re-attach the cut edges
- fill with expanding foam
- sean's tutorial included pics and an internal wood 'skeleton' + base for added support


I have tried this on a body with shoulders. modified it with paper mache for me head to get a bit more detail (but some have said you can do this with duct tape too)

The duct-tape dummy is the simpler, cheap alternative.

With lifecasting you'll need to get someone to help, but it's an easy thing to explain to the layman. I've done a full head, full body, and full face lifecast of myself as well as each of my arms and legs with only one unskilled helper in each case. When I was doing the arms and legs all the helper had to do was fetch me a drink now and then. The other times required a little more involvement from them.

There's a lot of information available on lifecasting, I'd start here: Lifecasting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's also a lot of help to be had from the monstermakers website. Specifically, the first half of this tutorial: They detail the making of a clay copy of your face, but the process is the same for making a copy of your head and you can just as easily make the copy in foam or plaster or resin. Just make sure you put on a bald cap or a swim cap so you don't have to pick alginate out of your hair for days.