Shipping props from the the US to the UK

Originally posted by rocketsauce@Apr 17 2006, 09:04 PM
Who has the best rates for airmail etc.  Who has been the most reliable, or quickest?  Thanks all.

I have received items such as loose MR sabers,graflex conversions and the like from the USA within a space of around 7-10 days.I think Express Air works best.I think you get a tracking number too :)

I have used USPS without any problems. You can check the cost at the website. I have found that the express service is not much more and it includes insurance, plus it gets it there much quicker.

E. Vader
Originally posted by eddie vader@Apr 18 2006, 01:31 AM
I have used USPS without any problems.  You can check the cost at the website.  I have found that the express service is not much more and it includes insurance, plus it gets it there much quicker.

E. Vader

I agree USPS is best 95% of the time unless you're shipping something REALLY valuable in which case you can use Fedex (although theyre expensive and you'll have the vat and customs to contend with)


I agree with Jez, I insist on USPS for most items and I have never had a package go missing. Mark the value down if you can and the buyer agrees, over here in the UK they seem to love to sting everyone for customs charges.
