Shelf life of silicone rubbers

Rick Deckard

Sr Member
Hi Folks!

Please, can someone give me a tip on how i can increase the shelf life of unused silicone rubber? I use mainly smooth-on oomoo 30 and "part A" setup into the bottle. I bought it a year ago...:lol

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Usually you can store silicone for about 1 year without any problems.
You should keep it in a dry, dark space with constant -low- temperature.

Even then it might happen that you end with two containers/ bottles of non-usable RTV before one year is over, while sometimes I found a batch I stored away for about 1-2 years and STILL was able to use it.

Hi Markus!

Thanks for the reply!

PS: I forgot to say that Part B is still in good shape, this problem just happened with part A...
Hi Folks!

Please, can someone give me a tip on how i can increase the shelf life of unused silicone rubber? I use mainly smooth-on oomoo 30 and "part A" setup into the bottle. I bought it a year ago...:lol


AhhhGGhh! Oomoo's the silicone of the Devil! I usually go with GI-1000 from Silicones Inc. It stores for years! I molded from a 5 gal bucket for over 2 years! it's fantastic stuff!

Hi Markus!

Thanks for the reply!

PS: I forgot to say that Part B is still in good shape, this problem just happened with part A...

It´s the pink stuff that has the consistency of chewing gum right now, right (while the blue stuff is still o.k.)?
There´s nothing you can do about it...THAT´s OOMO :unsure
Buy as much as you need for an actual project and/ or use it as fast as possible.

It was a sample pack I got when I worked at Streamline Pictures.It was from Quantum Silicones Specialties in Richmond VA.I still have some...and it still works!I use products now.alexander
Yeah, i dont know why smooth-on stuff is like that? The blue is solid as a rock and thepink is like frozen molassas!