Screwed by Alvin Lincoln


Well-Known Member
hey guys so I bought a resin ket for an X2 cyclops visor from a guy named Alvin Lincoln (zoin on the LOH). Haven't heard back from him since i sent the cash. A friend showed me about 5 links about Aaron/Alvin Lincoln and how they've screwed a lot of people. So I just filed a claim with paypal.

This is actually the second time this has happened to me.
The first time was by a guy named Jordi from Spain. I sent him $85 for a set of resin wolverine claws. He baited me along until the 45 day paypal limit had passed and then disappeared.

any help is appreciated

and on another note- does anyone know where i can get a cheap resin kit for an X2 cyclops visor? Thanks!
If this is the same Aaron Lincoln that recast St.LouisKid's PKE wings, he changes his Ebay user name like dirty laundry as he avoids negative feedback and recasting allegations...
I have not heard of "Alvin" but it would not surprise me if he was going by a diiferent first name. He changes company, user, and ebay names so often that it would only stand to reason that he would go by another first name as well.

See the list here:

arivin923, drop me a PM with the info you have on the guy. I'll go back through what I have so I can send it to you. I have a physical address for shipping from when PKE wings were originally ordered as well.
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