screencap request - wishmaster ruby


Master Member
i might have a lead on picking one of these up, but i cant find my dvd to figure out if the size is right.

if someone could post some caps or email em to me, i would appreciate it.

le bump.

i know its a long shot, but i really do have a decent shot at getting this stone, and i dont want to waste the cash if it isnt at least mildly accurate.

What is it and what is it from?

If I have the movie (I have 1655 DVDs) I can probably do the grabs for you.
Wishmaster :), and the ruby he was trapped in. Wishmaster was a djinn, and the "magic lamp" was a ruby made by an arabic wizard. screencaps of the ruby are what i am after :)

came out in 1997 i think.

I think the dvd was a dual release (one movie on each side) of wishmaster and wishmaster 2: cinematic abortion.

i cant recall the real name of the second film, but trust me, it was pretty horrible.

the ruby stayed the same through all of them (i think they had 4 movies?), but the best views are in Wishmaster. Anything to give relative size, shape, facets, etc would be greatly appreciated :D
