Screen grab request: Apocalypto


Master Member
The knife carried by...I can't remember his name, the guy who led the raiding party at the beginning. I need some screen caps of it, as high res as possible, different angles, etc.

defftrooper - is that from a blu-ray drive or a regular DVD?

awesome screen grabs.


Thanks! I'm thinking about buying a blu-ray drive for my computer just for stuff like this.

thanks man.
There's a scene at the end where he drops the knife and you can see the whole thing. Would love a BR cap of that shot... ;)

That's neat. I remember seeing it in the movie, but I didn't notice that the heads on the pommel have hair...

BTW, the knife's owner ("Zero Wolf") is played by the same actor who played "Raw" (the re-imagined cowardly lion) in "Tin Man."
Are you going to get the raw obsidian to make the blade? That stuff splinters like crazy and it can get every where if you do. I have several of the the knives and axes (remakes) that they sell near the Aztec pyramids in Mexico.

Each of them is very heavy; expeciallay the ax.

Its a BR rip Turo

Welcome Bob :thumbsup
Are you sculpting one ?

Yeah, thinking about it. Trying to figure out the best way to go about it. I'm only roughly familiar with Mayan weapons, I can't decide if I need to recreat the handle to look like wood or bone.
And thanks for those last two caps upon suggestion by SurferGeek, they give me the best look at the handle details.:thumbsup
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Are you going to get the raw obsidian to make the blade? That stuff splinters like crazy and it can get every where if you do. I have several of the the knives and axes (remakes) that they sell near the Aztec pyramids in Mexico.

Each of them is very heavy; expeciallay the ax.


I was thinking about it, but I haven't been able to find a supplier of the stuff, plus I don't know how to do flint napping. I'm thinking the blade could be sculpted out of sculpy and then cast in a clear resin with black tinting added...if such a thing exists.
Just watched the DVD again - I love this knife!!! Did you get anywhere with recreating one?
Would love to see it if you did.

Anyone else tried doing one?

I've only begun drawing the details on the handle, still have to finish that up.
No idea when I'll get around to actually sculpting it.
Hate to bring up a rally old topic, but I was JUST thinking of trying this, and was wondering if you got anywhere with this ever???
Nope, still stuck on drawing the whole thing up, trying to figure out how to do the blade and weather to sculpt the handle to look like wood or bone.
I bought two obsidian sacrificial daggers from chichen itza and I was in the hotel in the mirror swinging it and the obsidian blade flew out of the handle and broke on the floor. so I replaced the blade with a wooden one I carved.
I believe that the blade I had was supposed to be an aztec version,and the sob did draw blood i stepped on an obsidian shard, but back on topic i think its easy to get a real obsidian blade online.