Screen caps - ROTJ


Sr Member
Here's a thread for screen caps request .. I figured there's so many people asking for them, might as well put them all somewhere public.

Browse the thread first, than if it's not there, ask and when I'm gonna have some time, I'll post them here ..

Here's some simple rules ...
1. Make sure to check first my screen caps directory for existing pictures as they may not be all linked here.
2. Be as precise as possible when asking for pics, that way, it's gonna be easier on me.
3. Don't go all crazy asking for every frame of a scene :).

As you may know, these are quite time consuming and is my own way of thanking people and give back to the RPF.

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This is a great idea! Thanks for offering your services. When you get a chance, if you could post caps of Boushh showing off the details of the helmet or when the helmet is in light that helps show off the shape. Thanks a lot. much appreciated!
Woo .. this thread is popular .. let me see what I can do guys.

Oh and Slave Leia? This is to help build or paint anything .. not to zoom in on Leia .. pervs!


NOTE Notice how thin the shoulders are on this shot?!?

I have the Star Wars 365 day calender and there is a Mcquarrie painting on Endor that I have never seen before. There are three troopers in it and they all have the same shoulders.
Ok one more request. Vader and Jerjerrod walking. I always loved that first scene in ROTJ. Thank you again. " You may dispence with the pleasentries Commander, I'm here to put you back on Schedule" Commander. " I assure you Lord Vader My men are working as fast as they can."
Just wish there was a place where there was a good straight-on shot of the Vader helmet where it wasn't too darkly lit and where it isn't cropped at the top.

Nice and clean captures! :thumbsup