Scream robe


Master Member
While the mask from 'Scream' is one of those very rare examples of a retail item being just as good as what was used on-screen, the robe supplied with the 'Ghostface' costume is nothing more than Halloween costume-grade garbage - both in material and design.
I have been wanting a movie-quality Scream robe for years (ever since the first movie) but have never seen anyone attempt one.
From what I can see on screen, the material seems to have a sparkling to it - could be a heavy lycra, but I am sure that the sparkling has something to do with being able to light it better.
Any thoughts on this?
I thought by "Scream Robe" you meant something to wear around the house, like a "smoking jacket".

I'll be out back in my scream robe, enjoying my pipe. :)
I was under the impression that the orginal costume was just the store-bought Funworld costume. Quality has gone down drastically over the years. There is lots of talk of the original costume over at
I owned one of the originals years ago I will see if I can find some pics. I think it had some silverish stuff in the material as well.

I bought one of the ones that was available around the time when the first Scream came out. Though the mask is the same in the movie, the robe is very low quality. The hood espcially is poor. In the movie - the hood was bigger like a Jedi robe (but not as big as a Jedi hood). The costume hood is smaller with a foam insert around the front.
I've been trying to find an accurate robe for YEARS!!! The store bought ones are nothing like the movie ones. The screen used ones had rubber palms too so the knives wouldn't slip out of the actors hands. There were differences between the movies too!! What kind of prop people are ya:lol
Just started checking out there is a lot of good info there regarding this robe, but would feel like a punk just joining that board just for info on the robe.
From what I have learned, the original Scream mask that was available back then has now become a rare item (thankfully, I have one somewhere in storage). From what I have read, the newer ones are smaller and of lesser quality.
Either way, I want the movie-quality robe. There is someone on that board that is talking about making one but wanted to check with my fellow RPF heads first.
I know, for the first film, there's actually two types of "Ghostface" masks used. One is the typical Funworld mask, which you typically see each year at CVS pharmacies in the U.S. However, there are scenes where another mask is featured. For example, the scene where the Principal grills the students for wearing the masks in the first film, it's noticeable that the mask has a dark gray and rather loose fabric attached to the mask (to allow for easy snatching off) and the lower "jaw" of the face appears thicker and somewhat boxy than the thin and smooth jaw of the Funworld mask.

And I also know that the only "found object" piece of the costumes was the knife (which I know it was available at Wal-Mart the last time I checked, and was also featured in the movie "Copycat", I think) and the mask. The rest of the costume (the "robe") was constructed just for the film.

I don't know if that information helps out, but I'm just going with what I know.
I was always pretty certain that the robe was custom for the movie but there are a lot of people out there who belive it was a store-bought item.
Oh well - still waiting for a movie accurate robe to come up for sale.
I have my old fun world mask from back in 96 still!!! Looks better than the ones in the stores now. But if an accurate robe comes out...I must have one!!
yeah i have 6 of the orginal masks from 96 they used a much better grade of plastic then.You can make the robe from a pattern.I do like how much bigger the over all hood is and the fact that the movie costumes zipped up the front!!
yeah i have 6 of the orginal masks from 96 they used a much better grade of plastic then.You can make the robe from a pattern.I do like how much bigger the over all hood is and the fact that the movie costumes zipped up the front!!

Ummmmm no they didn't. A forum member used to own a screen used one and none of them ever had a zipper.
yeah,theres not many sparkly black robes around due to the material being hard to find apparently.

several of the ones you found on have been listed for sale already in the $600-1000 range.someone else needs to start making them for a reasonable price
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If you took the cheaper costume from Wal-mart and took it apart and used it for a pattern.

You could customize your own robe with higher end material and a bigger hood.

Paying $600 for a robe is insane.
Ummmmm no they didn't. A forum member used to own a screen used one and none of them ever had a zipper.

Well I guess you haven't seen the movies in awhile!

End sceen of part 3 from time 6:47 seconds this robe zipped up the front of actor Scott Foley in the one sceen in part 3 during Jenny McCarthy Death she hides on a rack with over 15 costumes not including the other 2 rows of costumes.There were many robes made for many diffrent things depending on what the shot called for! Also heres the video I was talking about please fast forward to 6:47 to say none of them had zippers im afraid your wrong!