Scratch Build A Weapon Contest

No building off the entire Nerf, such as buying a Nerf, adding paint and some MDF to it and calling it done. You can take parts off if you want such as the grip or trigger for example.
Ok, i'm finding this way too confusing.

Can we not break it into two categories?

1. - Build a weapon from found parts only with a maximum allowance of 25% of scrap material you have already - No toy guns etc can be used as a base, just simply following the dollar store model we have used in the past.

2. - weapons to be made completely from scrap items - MDF, craft foam, Bondo etc - No found parts whatsoever - Completely scratch build the entire thing?

Just a suggestion, i know some peeps have already began to build, but i think it may make the entire process a whole load easier.
I'm sure at some point somebody will do a NERF contest. There's certainly enough NERF modders around for it.

While I can see asking for clarification, changing the rules by letting people build with what they already have at home puts people like me who are not able to have a garage or workshop full of scrap on hand at any given time at a SEVERE disadvantage. It's already hard enough to compete with this talented lot without throwing us totally out of the race. With what you guys can do on a dollar store build I quiver with fear at the idea of what you guys can do with a room full of spare parts in addition.

Just trying to give the flip side point of view on the whole thing.
One more quick clarification:

Provided we have receipts for them, are materials purchased from thrift stores fair game? Which is not to say modifying an existing item (which is obviously against the rules) but rather cobbling together stuff out of random things (appliances, tools, etc.). I'm mostly concerned by the fact that though they do give receipts they're usually the kind you'd get from a mom and pop gas station not the big nice ones with the name of the store printed on it.
A little late to the party, but I'm in nonetheless. Luckily (or not) this will be my first scratch built prop, so I have no choice but to buy the majority of materials.

Just to be 100% clear here; all finishing materials (bondo, putty, paint, etc) need to come from the purchased items?
I probably won't enter the contest, but I just thought I would ask for clarification for anyone else who may find themselves in Europe: Is the money amount to be converted from American dollars to euros (I think that's about 36 euros at the moment) or is it just going to stay the same number (50 euros, which is equivalent to about 68 American dollars)?

I wish all those who enter the contest very good luck! Have fun!
@Geek I'll allow 50 Euros.
@Squatch yes the finishing materials are to be on reciept.
@Wicked as long as you have reciepts for the Thrift store items they are allowed.

Just to be clear on the Nerf rule, I put down no building up off a Nerf gun such as buing a Nerf Maverick for example and tossing some foamies and MDF onto it painting it and calling it done. But I wil allow you to take parts off a Nerf gun for example Grip, Trigger, Etc. if you want to use on your prop.
@Squatch yes the finishing materials are to be on reciept.

Alright, thanks. Keeping it simple then to offset finishing material. Time to stalk the scrap section.
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i think you're getting a little hung up on the limited use of existing items.
(I'm not going to go out and spend money for something I already have)

Here is what went into mine (will email today)

Hot Glue
Spray paint
1/2" curtain rod

Its about as scratchbuilt as you will ever hope to get....

all I spent was $5 for Blue 3M masking tape, and estimated the original costs of the above items.

you want the receipt for the tape?

I was waiting for something like this! There are lots of original weapons ideas knocking around my hard drive, so I'll dig one of those up. Now all I need is a camera to snap pictures with, LOL...
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