I was with a friend a few nights ago shopping in la - she pulls me into one of those 200 dollar for a pair of tattered jeans shops and searches for something that will make her momentarily happy. I see this girl walking up to the counter and my first thought was - wow, she's cute - then the closer she got the more I realized - waitaminute... That's Scarlett! It took every inch of will power I could muster not to stare but luckily she was positioned between me and my friend - Holly. Holly pulls this purse off the rack and says - isn't this cool? I said " yeah I have one just like it" well, little miss movie star turned and let out a small laugh - and my heart dropped from my chest to my groin. Seriously - she wasn't made up or dressed to the nines - just a pair of sunglasses and some regular old clothes but boy - she looks like a doll - a living doll. Even my friend mentioned how good she looked in real life. Sigh. I'm off to watch Lost in Translation - three of my most favorite things in that movie - Bill Murray, Tokyo and my future x- wife.