I did a little looking into the stuff on ebay. It seems that the vast majority of it is sold by one seller who says: "We provide Industry Standard Prop Money for the film and video production industry. Our money props can be seen in many films, television shows, music videos, print ads and commercials."
their notes are modified copies of the most common style (like the ones above.) I'm not going to discredit this seller because I'm sure someone has bought their notes and used them in some sort of film or commercial somewhere... but industry standard, i think not. Copies of industry standard notes, maybe.
I also found some of the notes like the ones in the pics above - they come with a COA from premiere props saying they were used in "The Punisher" - I don't know if I trust the COA as I can't see how this company is qualified to certify anything, but it certainly is possible that that modification of the common style was made specifically for that film.
Or perhaps it was modified by the propmaster to keep the cost down considering how much of it was needed.
*if the COA came from the studio or the production company that might be a little more believable, but I could just as easily go get a glove and say it was used in Star Wars - with a COA from me!