SAVAGE Toolbox


Sr Member
I'm going to try and whip one of these up on my vacation coming up in a few weeks. I think I've got most of it figured out more or less, but on those angle cuts on the aluminum most the miter saws I've seen aren't able to be used for metal. Is an angle grinder probably going to be the best bet?
What type of metal? If it's aluminum a carbide miter blade will cut it no problem. If steel, you should be able to get a metal cutting blade. I have several of those abrasive types on an old miter saw just for metal.
What type of metal? If it's aluminum a carbide miter blade will cut it no problem. If steel, you should be able to get a metal cutting blade. I have several of those abrasive types on an old miter saw just for metal.
Well, my first thought was to get a miter saw here but every single one that I've looked through reviews for said not to be used on aluminum. And that's even one that comes with a carbide tipped blade. Although I'm guessing that's maybe just the official suggestion of the company because it appears people cut aluminum all the time with them. I'm guessing the miter would easily cut the aluminum angles?
Well, I’m going to get started on it tomorrow. I think the only part I’m a little iffy on is the curved top sides. On a video I watched on YouTube it looks like they cut out slots of aluminum and then folded it over with pliers to attach with the rivets. Seems like the only logical way to do it from what I’ve seen.
It appears that .025 aluminum in a T5 is as close as they've got here to what was used originally. Hopefully it will be sturdy enough to hold up, definitely thinner than the original .040 he used.
I also want to add that I've never cut aluminum with anything other than an abrasive cutting disk. I have seen a ton of people cut aluminum on their table saws with carbide blades and said there's no problem doing so. I think cutting any metal with a power tool could always lead to something getting inside and causing damage, but it doesn't sound like it's a matter of being dangerous. Well any power tool is potentially dangerous, but I mean it's not like it's going to not cut or damage the blade/tool.
I also want to add that I've never cut aluminum with anything other than an abrasive cutting disk. I have seen a ton of people cut aluminum on their table saws with carbide blades and said there's no problem doing so. I think cutting any metal with a power tool could always lead to something getting inside and causing damage, but it doesn't sound like it's a matter of being dangerous. Well any power tool is potentially dangerous, but I mean it's not like it's going to not cut or damage the blade/tool.
I ordered a miter saw so I guess we'll find out soon enough here lol. I think it should be fine, I'm going to use snips for the sheet aluminum so it'll really only be for the angles and maybe the piano hinge possibly.
I got started on this today. So far I’ve got the bottom moved along. The angles slowed me down a bit. Tried cutting them on a miter saw and a Diablo blade I got specifically for aluminum but something seemed off about it. After finishing the second cut a piece of metal flew off and vanished so I threw in the towel and used the cut off tool instead. A lot slower but safer. It’s not pretty and definitely not perfect but I suppose Adam said his wasn’t either. Super disappointed the miter saw didn’t work. Doing those corners is the most time consuming part of this build. Sigh.





This is where I’m at so far. Having a little trouble with the dimensions for these angles. Anyone have any suggestions? I just assumed they were cut the length of the corresponding side and then cut with 45 degree edges to fit together.
Yes. In my build I cut the angles at 45° but I encounter the same issues as you. So I eyeballed the dimensions from that perfect angle....hope that helps
Yes. In my build I cut the angles at 45° but I encounter the same issues as you. So I eyeballed the dimensions from that perfect angle....hope that helps
is that your video on YouTube? If so it’s been incredibly helpful. Not sure I’m advanced enough to do the lift though.

Here’s where I’m at today. I’ve been cutting the other angles in advance to do the second box on vacation this week. Been waiting for the .040 aluminum to come in but it’s delayed. Will be interesting switching to that from the 0.025, this stuff is so soft it’s easy to work with.

Going to try and get the lid done tomorrow, I’m about to run out of rivets and I accidentally put the piano hinge on wrong on one side so I had to drill out the steel rivets and redo it.




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Well, I got the first box done mostly. I’ve encountered a problem where the lid is too tight so the top won’t close properly, basically has a big seam down the top center. I’m thinking I may have to leave more clearance and shorten the width of those 4.5” front panels. Maybe take out a quarter inch or something. Anyone else have that problem have any good advice?



I guess that could be. I was going off this video to make mine, and on that one he leaves a couple mm off the sides for the hinge to rest in. Also, the 1/8 rivets don't work with the precut in the piano hinge, only a 5/32' rivet' I think it was. Still tying to decide if I want to find a hinge without the holes to drill them myself.

First box is done! Just have to add the cables inside to hold the doors open. Have the bottom half of the second box finished too, going to start outlining the pieces tonight and hopefully have that one done by the end of the week. I ended up removing the hinge and redrilling all the rivets on the second box to realign the hinge. Hoping the top comes together a little easier. From what I remember the top was the easier between the two halves.

Got the second box finished. Took Adam 24 hours to make his but I think a week isn’t bad for the two of these. My hands are dead from all the rivets though. Did one box with 1 inch angle and the second is a little more accurate to Adam’s original design.


Box three is almost done! Will post some pics this weekend with all three. Had some trouble with the lids fitting so I had to remove all the hinge rivets and redo them.
All right, here’s some pics of the third box. One is a gift for my father, I’m going to give the second to a friend of mine, and the third I’m going to keep. Learned a little bit from each one I made, and oddly enough the hardest part every time was getting the doors to fit together correctly. The third box is closest to Adam’s original design, I altered the top sections to be a lot more rounded like his originals and tried to use the same number of rivets. I’m going to take a little break from these for a couple weeks and try and plan out how to build the scissor lift next. I’ve seen a few versions online where they’re tightened in place with nuts but hopefully I can figure out a way to keep them upright and to release more like how he did his originals. If anyone has any ideas feel free to post them here. He’d mentioned what he did online but without photo reference of the mechanism it’s hard to visualize for me.






