S2Jesse's Enfys Nest Full Scale Helmet Build Thread.

Finally got around to printing the file! Took a while all done on an ender3 . Im super happy with the quality of the ender 3. Next stepps cleanup / sanding and detailing.
Joined your Patreon, can't wait to start printing this. My wife has wanted this from the moment we saw Solo.

On a side note, would you recommend an Ender3? I have been thinking about getting a smaller printer as I usually break up files anyway when I print.
even though I've got a CR10-s5 and could probably print it in larger parts, I will prolly break it up anyway. I think I'd get a cleaner result that way.

We're planning to get a Cr10 PRO soon, might wait and try printing it on that.
Joined your Patreon, can't wait to start printing this. My wife has wanted this from the moment we saw Solo.

On a side note, would you recommend an Ender3? I have been thinking about getting a smaller printer as I usually break up files anyway when I print.

oh totally recomend the ender i have 2 other printeres which were far more money.. granted older but the ender quality for price is honestly insane as long as you make sure its setup properly!... thanks a ton for the suupport! i got many more models on teh way :)
Finally got mine printed
Done with filling, sanding and priming,

Now to paint this little beauty
Anybody have Any idea on colours?

Excuse the starlord helmet that’s working progress


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Keep us updated on what colors you choose to use! I will be printing this as soon as I get my printer back up and running.
Jesse. What printer are you using? Just curious to how many pieces it was printed in

Your garage is like a candy shop when it comes to tools and machines
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