S K Y R I M - Mad Axeman for dcon 2012


Well-Known Member
Trying to crank out a new costume for DragonCon this year, went through the game's armor and weapons and tried to come up with something relatively easy to fabricate, and interesting. If you're on the Wolf Pack Elite boards, you may be seeing this twice.

vrogt by vrogy, on Flickr

-steel battleaxe
-horned helmet
-engraved steel gauntlets
-engraved steel greaves
-quilted gambeson
-eyesocket makeup, white-out contacts(not pictured)

Here's the fabrication plans for everything:

Machined into aluminum, two fixtures for the head, either side, 4 for the head base, to capture side engraving, and one lathed piece for the pommel, maybe some 4-axis engraving if I have time. Basically, real metal, so I'll have to recast it in plastic. Bolted to a hardwood haft, simple tacked-on leather wrap.

-horned helmet
EVA and craft foam details over a hard plastic base, construction or baseball helmet. Some galvanized maille suspended from a row of holes in ABS sheet behind EVA for trim, possibly sculpted horns, or some real ones if I can find something with that severe curve in a matching set.

-engraved steel gauntlets and gloves
Engraved EVA foam attached to thin leather or black cloth gloves. Perhaps flat-vacformed and shaped, if a friend will do me a favor. I'd have to make patterns that fit myself, then digitize the shapes and extrude features once scale was established inside CAD.

-quilted gambeson
Not much for it, scratch-patterned and sewn. Possibly hidden buttons to establish a set overlap, I have a suitable 1300s-style belt. Colors will be red and black, for the parade. Black outer, red inner clothes and trim. Some areas of detailed appliqued fabric on the exposed chest of the shirt, collar.

Ordered several colors of facial prosthetics this morning, thinking grey or white will be best.
Lacey Beard and Mustache Set AB1613 Costume Beard • Lacey Wigs & Lacey Beard and Mustache Set AB982 Costume Beard • Lacey Wigs as well as some spirit gum and remover.

-eyesocket makeup
Simple black, grey, white makeup, face and neck very pale, deep black eyesockets streaking outwards as seen on Vilkas & Farkas File:Vilkas HQ.jpg - The Elder Scrolls Wiki & File:FarkasHQ.jpg - The Elder Scrolls Wiki .

-white-out contacts
Not sure on these, I'll have to see if I can wear contacts at all first, then if I can get prescription contacts in the color I need- white covering the iris, pupil left black.

Big thanks to www.youtube.com/user/rroobboo999 for ripping/packaging/uploading loads and loads of Skyrim armor, weapons, etc.

Really started by printing out a big f'n axe to figure out a scale. It's too small here.

IMG_1559 by vrogy, on Flickr

Started by making some basic posterboard patterns for the forearms, gauntlets, and greaves to my size- then traced the texture images in cinema4d to get relief geometry, and used scaled photos of the patterns to manipulate them into size for properly scaled and shaped mold assets. These are being sent to a friend with a CNC router and a vacformer- I'll just trim, roll, and strap parts when they arrive.

arms_by_relief.c4d * by vrogy, on Flickr

arms_by_relief.c4d * by vrogy, on Flickr

etc- still have to do the hands and greaves-

Then I scaled the helmet, on the third try it was correct, so we went to the higher-res model

steelnordhelm_tex by vrogy, on Flickr

steelnordhelm_hires_builded2 by vrogy, on Flickr

I'll be resining and fiberglassing this soon. It'll get craft foam-skinned, like Kol Badar's space marine project Obscurus Crusade -> My pep adventure. Raised and recessed details will be in craft foam, as well.

We're also working on the BATTLEAXE.

steelbattleaxe_vectors_head by vrogy, on Flickr

Drawing in Solidworks, I about have all the head geometry I can get done for this convention ready. Perhaps later I'll return and put some of the top and handle-side engraving in. We'll see about the pommel later- I may stick with a simple lathed version for now, but there's engraved detail on it, as well. It'd be best as a live tooling or 4-axis milling part.

steelbattleaxe_solid_mostdetails by vrogy, on Flickr

Fabric and fur for armor trim has all been selected and purchased, as well- for under-tunic as well as the gambeson.

skyrimcostume_joannrun by vrogy, on Flickr

Yeah, back to work now. 4 weeks.
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Re: Skyrim - Mad Axeman

Been resining the helmet. Planning to toss some glass inside and be done with this time-consuming, foul-smelling stage in a bit. Here's where it is now:

DSC_0322 by vrogy, on Flickr

I'm not sure the vacformed parts will happen, so I'm working on the alternate plan for the forearms and shins, dremeling details into EVA foam.

It's not pretty, but my basic process is to take a template, super 77 it to foam, cut out the overall shape, then I've been dremeling through the template to trace the details in.

Photo 13 by vrogy, on Flickr

The lower half here was done by just dremeling straight through cardstock freehand.

Photo 21 by vrogy, on Flickr

This turned out a bit better, I need to connect a few lines near the hand. Unpictured, but I also experimented with heat-bending. Very useful! Need to find something un-textured to press parts over me while they cool, though, the foam picked up my gloves' seams.

Next up is the hand-plates and strapping, and once they're sorted, I'll repeat the process for the other side, and apply it to the greaves. I think I'll have to pick up some Sintra or other formable sheet plastic.
Re: Skyrim - Mad Axeman

Ehhhhhhh..... glassed, foamcoated, finishing up details there now. PVA coating next, then maybe some smoothcast coats. Patterns for the recessed outline- cut away from a full-foam-coated helm, and thinner swirly details were cut from selectively-built pep.

DSC_0005 by vrogy, on Flickr

Quick/ugly test with a beard I pieced together from a few different sets. Helm's a bit big, hopefully I'll look like a shrunken old viking in it, and the padded gambeson will help some, I think.

DSC_0095 by vrogy, on Flickr
Re: Skyrim - Mad Axeman

I really like your helmet, but im really not fealing the beard... it looks to much like viking santa clause
Re: Skyrim - Mad Axeman

Wow, that's a beautiful helmet, and the detailing on the forearms is looking very neat
Re: Skyrim - Mad Axeman

Thanks, folks. Hopefully the beard will have some dirt/cruftus sprayed in, to give it some... character. Might see if I can add some beads or tie up the ends, something like that.

Helmet is about done, it's got about 4-5 coats of PVA/elmer's on it, so it's all sealed for painting.

Preview by vrogy, on Flickr

One half of the axe is built, second half is cut out and getting glued up tonight. Hopefully, resining tomorrow morning. Going to be dicey attaching the two halves of this, I guess after it's resined and glassed I'll dremel it out of the frame, and epoxy it bit by bit. Would be nice to have some backing material for the epoxy to hold onto, was thinking about 1/4" or so chicken wire / hardware cloth on the inside.

DSC_0004 by vrogy, on Flickr

Shooting for a real mechanical connection to the haft, probably use hex lags into the wood, then cover them with a false dome- I guess in the game world it's a giant smooth-peened rivet.

steel battleaxe hilt reference by vrogy, on Flickr

The hilt is a rounded dome maybe 1.5X the haft diameter, protruding down maybe half of the haft's diameter from a thick, beveled disc of metal about 2.5X x .5X, topped with a conical section with raised detail matching the top details, and a pentagonal extrusion with a rivet attaching it.
I'm going to try scratch-building this from 1/2" EVA foam, with a galvanized fence-post as the base cap, and stacking EVA around and above it.

Re: Skyrim - Mad Axeman

Wow very detailed! I like the whole trial and error approach, thank you for sharing!
Re: Skyrim - Mad Axeman

I think some bead work or even some braiding in the beard would go a long way. Great work though, the helmet is awesome.

DSC_0033 by vrogy, on Flickr

Hot-boxing my bathroom with a space heater- cuts curing time down to 20-30mins. 4 coats on each here, first half is glassed now. Picked up some pine full-round, wood stain, clearcoat, primer, textured paint for the helm horns. Fullround fits the pep nicely-wasn't sure that'd work.

Gonna have to get budging out the actual hand, finger, feet armor soon.

Got the edging/frames cut off the axe halves and whittled them down via dremel Saturday, really not happy with the result of trying to align the halves.. they didn't align at all. Ended up patching between them with bits of posterboard and carstock, hoping it doesn't show up under foamies.

dcont-3ffffffffffff4 by vrogy, on Flickr

Friend is lending me a sidearm- not skyrim at all, but a little character for the costume. Looks like something an elf would make, combination of elven and glass daggers. meh.

dcont-3ffffffffffff1 by vrogy, on Flickr

Helmet just needs paint. I'm happy with this, as breezy as the build was. Lots of small things I'll refine or do differently on the axe, seam placement, flushness, etc. It could have been sharper if I added a seam on the front edges of the apetures, may be able to fix it.. the rest of the costume needs work before I go back and re-do that.

dcont-3fffffffffff1 by vrogy, on Flickr

Softened up the edges of the horns by layering some stone texture paint and primer, tried to keep it mostly to the bases of the horns.

dcont-3ffffffffffff2 by vrogy, on Flickr

Got the legs' mold model rendered, brought it into corel, vectorized, hairlined everything, printed it out. I have enough material to screw up one of these, whee!

dcont-3ffffffffffff3 by vrogy, on Flickr

Hoping to finish foamcoating the axe tomorrow, get my helper to cut all these little details out.

dcont-3ffffffffffff5 by vrogy, on Flickr

After seeing the blandness of the blank side of the haft extension of the axehead, went back and pulled the game model into pep, scaled it to fit my solidworks-based model, and printed out faces containing some extra details I didn't model, as they were undercuts via 3-axis milling. They won't be as in-set as the main detail areas on the faces, but it's extra stuff that'll flesh out the top, sides, and pommel. Maybe I'll get that banged out tomorrow, as well- need to move on to clothes pronto, still need to put together the quilted surcoat and under-tunic.

dcont-2ffffffff3 by vrogy, on Flickr

Arms and legs are cut out, engraved, heat-formed. Pretty happy with how well these fit.Still need to do the rear plates and strapping for these, PVA-coat them. Probably going to freehand them, they're just rounded trapezoids with an inner-offset engraved line. Got some nylon webbing for those, apparently hot glue soaks into it and holds to EVA nicely. The outside will have fake hinges from foamies and some leather 'straps' glued on, for looks.

dcont-2ffffffff1 by vrogy, on Flickr

The axe should be totally detailed and foamed later this morning, all the base foam is laid and details are all cut, just dremeling in divots between the raised details, then it all goes under PVA. Grabbed some stainless carriage bolts- with printed spec lettering, not raised/die-formed, it can be wirebrushed/polished off, maybe scrubbed.. They're cut off to nubs so they'll fit, should be some neat polish bits.
Awesome build!!!!!!

Love that helmet but the axe is pretty amazing as well!