Rotj Type A movie poster saber


Well-Known Member
I can remember being awestruck by this poster and how it got everyones' adrenaline pumped in anticipation for the 3rd installment. For whatever reason, something about this saber's design screamed "SPACE SWORD" to me in a away that the lightsabers in ANH and ESB didn't.

Was it because it was the first appearance of a Star Wars saber that wasn't made from a flashgun or cobbled together from real world parts?
Nope. I was 11 years old in 83 and wouldn't have had a clue.
It was because it was the first time I saw a lightsaber that didn't look like a tube or a burnt piece of machinery. Yes, that's right. Old Ben's saber looked about as safe to use as Dad's BBQ that caught fire and I wouldn't be caught dead igniting either of them.

No, this was clean and new and innovative and looked like it was personally designed with swordfighting in mind. I'm shamelessly digressing here, but it's 26 years later and I still want to make one. :)

Has anyone tried their hand at recreating the poster saber?
If not, it's understandable considering the level of creative lisence it would require Ie: luke's hands cover half the saber. Still, the emitter, neck/windvane area and pommel are quite different from the what was seen on screen which may be why it still appeals to me. Each step of the emitter is of similar length giving it more of an antique raygun look, imo, and the windvane area (for lack of a better term) looks like it's a convex disc (like something you'd see on a McQuarrie saber). I'm even liking the pommel.

Here's the only reference pic.... :lol
Wow, I had always the same feelings as you when I'm looking at it. The poster is still on my wall, and u can really see some differences if u already own a replica from the movie version. I would love to see some results and I don't see anything what conquers your idea...
I mean somebody in here works on a project with the wooden master of the sword. So, why not the poster version? :)

have a good day