ROTJ Solo blaster left side details...a question


Master Member
How did those of you that have made this blaster before do the details? Dremel tool? Drill press? I'm getting to that point and wondered the easiest way to get the details done. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

How did those of you that have made this blaster before do the details? Dremel tool? Drill press? I'm getting to that point and wondered the easiest way to get the details done. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!


The only way that I have ever seen this done was with a milling machine.


BTW-this should be in the replica prop forum, it's not OT
Yeah, after posting it I realized I was in the OT by accident. Mods? If it could be moved I'd appreciate it. Sorry!
I have an idea on how to get the look of the details on the side, but am working out the way to do it. If it works, I'll post pics.
I'm at that point as well.

Need to find 2 different size "end mills" so you can chuck it up in a drill press and make the circles.

Once I get the correct sizes, I plan on testing in non visible spot (under handgrip of back of magazine bottom).
I too am interested . I'm assembling the final pieces for my ROTJ blaster as well.
Cheers, Kevin
I am intrested to all so far i have is replica mauser and my name on intrestest thread in junkyard i dont even know where to get other parts such as scope and others.
This can not be done with a drill press, I know that for a fact.

No matter how good your drill press is the bearings are not designed to bear the lateral stresses caused by milling a slot and/or a milling cutter

If you even try to engage a 4 fluted end mill it will chatter so much you will end up with a destroyed mauser.

I have an industrial Grizzly Drill press and I attempted to use it to make a prototype and ended up junking a Denix.

I organized a run in the past but my machinist works on bulk so to make it affordable we would have to send him at least 25 units and I doubt there is that much interest in this.

I think Vince used to cut the details on a as needed basis so he may be a viable option.
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I cheated by first sanding off the logo, then cutting the holes in a very thin sheet of styrene and gluing it on (and puttying the edges).
I cheated by first sanding off the logo, then cutting the holes in a very thin sheet of styrene and gluing it on (and puttying the edges).

That's exactly what I was thinking about doing, Treadwell! Got pics of how yours looks?


I really need to install those BD ROTJ piston halves one of these days!
Hey threadwell...that is actually looking VERY good!

I´m in the same boat, having all parts to do the Han ROTJ blasters, but no chance to mill the left side details.

Wouldn´t it be another option to drill through the Mauser body and putting a piece of metal/ styrene from INSIDE against the blaster sidewall? How thick is the side of a MGC mauser...

BTW: Why and how in the in the world were they able to create these details back in the 80´s? Did these holes have any special purpose, before the MGC was converted into Han´s blaster(s)?...any ideas?

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^ I considered that approach...not sure why I didn't try it.

I used to think that the holes were leftover from some sort of scope or greeblie attachment that was abandoned, but then concluded it was just Stembridge's way of duplicating the unitentifiable blobs they saw on the soft "Muppet blaster" ESB casting that they were provided as a guide.
I used a mill to replicate those left side details on my Denix. In fact, I'll be milling these details on a friend's Denix this week.

I haven't run into any trouble so far. 4 of the indentations were 1/4" diameter and the other two were 3/8" diameter.

If any one needs machining done on their Denix or other mauser, just let me know.
^Naked Runner? That particular Mauser body was used for the ANH blaster and possibly the blank firing blaster used in the deleted bunker firefight scene shot at Elstree (the one with the extra long barrel), but not the ROTJ blasters made in the States, which do have the holes/details.
Hello Vince,

Can you please post a photo or two of your milled MGC Broomhandle & possibly discuss pricing?

There seems to be a call for it :)


I used a mill to replicate those left side details on my Denix. In fact, I'll be milling these details on a friend's Denix this week.

I haven't run into any trouble so far. 4 of the indentations were 1/4" diameter and the other two were 3/8" diameter.

If any one needs machining done on their Denix or other mauser, just let me know.
BTW: Why and how in the in the world were they able to create these details back in the 80´s? Did these holes have any special purpose, before the MGC was converted into Han´s blaster(s)?...any ideas?


I believe that they were trying to imitate the V8 parts used on the ESB blasters, but milled the shapes instead of finding the parts.
^ I considered that approach...not sure why I didn't try it.

Probably because if you added any thickness to the interior of either brand of Broomhandle, there'd be obstruction of the workings of the frame block (MGC, Mauser C96) or the lever thingy inside the Denix version.